Peruse a book bound in banded scales

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A poison-gallery

It occupies a shelf above the flooding, and something grey and corrosive has eaten away at its cover. You may be able to catch a glimpse of its contents without resorting to the Reading Room.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 3 (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 230-299

Locked with Lead: A History in Banded Scales


Scales of justice

[…]two warring peoples led by 'a king born of the love of both'. It guarded its split kingdom with its clever mouth, its wicked claws, its warm and copious coils.

[…]Through the king's silver, all was clear. Their wars were false […]

[Find the rest of the story at]