Petition Her Roseate Splendour for knowledge on Is and Not

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From: Far Arbor

The Three Arbors layer themselves between waking and dreaming. Deep in the Labyrinth of Tigers there are mirrors inaccessible from Parabola. Can one shed light on the other?

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 3 (World Quality, now locked), Due Diligence: Glass Impassable is present (World Quality, now available), Favour: Her Roseate Splendour, Of Stripes, and Coils 230-299

Locked with Lead: Attar, and Analogues


The Queen's Wisdom

The Queen's Peace […] leads you […] to […] where you will not be overheard.

[…]. He speaks of the energies required to hold a place in stasis […].

[…] There may be other methods to achieve the same effect. But Her Roseate Splendour chose the kindest; the least hungry.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Far Arbor