Plunder the Grand Sanatorium for information

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Tombs in the Tomb-Colonies

You remember the way. It will be easy; they have not yet replaced the spider-council guard that troubled your previous incursion.


A place where the bodies are not


[…] you find the Third Memorials Wing. No colonists here; […] Only graves […].

[…] Third City carvings occupy each tomb, […] where bodies should be.

[…] "In memory of those whose light survived our demon-kings, only to walk into the jaguar's maw." […] "Where did you find this?"

Description summary:
The graves are deserted. Before each lies a twig of lavender and a knife. Back in Venderbight, with the help of a Fusty Archaeologist, you translate the carvings you found.

[Find the rest of the story at]