Tombs in the Tomb-Colonies

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The Whispering Duellist had kept a key[…] tucked beneath her grave-wrappings. A key to […] the vaults beneath the Grand Sanatorium, where once you dealt with Carrywell. What is down there – and how does it connect to her determination to enter the Sixth Coil?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Lead: A Whispered Connection, The Coilheart Games is present (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 100-299, Ambition: Nemesis 17

Locked with Lead: The Tombs of Old Loves

Storylet appears in disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies


Plunder the Grand Sanatorium for information
  •  Spoiler 



    A place where the bodies are not
