Sandwiches and Secrets

From Fallen London Wiki
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Description summary:
The description changes as you advance the conversation.

Associating with a Youthful NaturalistDescription
40[…] it's information I was already going to tell you," says the […] Naturalist, chewing his eel sandwich with contentment. "That doesn't make it less valuable. […] How do you think I acquire so much knowledge, anyway? By trading knowledge […] mostly knowledge."
42"In particular, I've been studying […] medusae – jellyfish – aren't bound by our biology. You want to know a secret? Our biology is just another prison cell. And every cell door has a key. […] It would be informative to open a few doors, wouldn't you say?"

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Chart a course to the Tomb-Colonies

Storylet appears in Your Cabin


Discuss his 'valuable' information (Malleability)
Discuss his 'valuable' information (Cunning)
Discuss his 'valuable' information (Acceptance)
Express agreement
Express agreement – with reservations
Express disagreement