Seeking Buyers

From Fallen London Wiki
ExhaustionOption Description
0-1A few shoppers of the Bone Market hover near your stall, considering your wares from a safe distance. The question is, are they the ones you hoped to attract? Or would you rather do business with someone else?
2-3After your recent sales, the Bone Market is a bit thinner of customers than before, though you can still find some shoppers interested in what you have to offer.
4-6After your recent sales, the Bone Market is significantly thinner of customers than before. The wealthiest skeleton-buyers are not buying at the moment, but you may find purchasers among those who don't pay as well.
8+The Bone Market conspicuously lacks the […] high-end customers who pay most richly: they have already spent so well on your recent work that they need to recoup their funds. There are still a few customers about who will make smaller purchases, however.
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Assembling a Skeleton (Guide)

How are the above links here?

Currency1 gold.png
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
[See table above]

Storylet appears in The Bone Market


Sell to a Naive Collector ( Suspicion < 4)
Sell to a Constable ( Humanoid Skeleton)
Sell to a Bohemian Sculptress ( Respectable 0)
Sell to a Pedagogically Inclined Grandmother ( Dreaded 0)
Sell to a Theologian of the Old School ( Bizarre 0)
Sell to an Enthusiast of the Ancient World ( Respectable 3+)
Sell to Mrs Plenty ( Dreaded 3+)
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Dreaded 3


    Redirects to:

    Mrs Plenty

Sell to the Tentacled Servant ( Bizarre 3+)

Affected by Bone Market Exhaustion

When Exhaustion reaches 4 and beyond, these options still appear, but with superficially different descriptions mentioning that their "funds have been depleted". The player cannot sell skeletons to them, but if they buy other things, they do purchase them.

Sell to an Investment-Minded Ambassador ( Respectable 15+)
Sell to a Teller of Terrors ( Dreaded 15+)
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Dreaded 15
    Locked with Bone Market Exhaustion (This is implemented as a soft-lock more than as a hard-lock; the player can still see this option and use it to sell anything other than skeletons.)


    Redirects to:

    A Teller of Terrors

Sell to the Tentacled Entrepreneur ( Bizarre 15+)
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Bizarre 15
    Locked with Bone Market Exhaustion (This is implemented as a soft-lock more than as a hard-lock; the player can still see this option and use it to sell anything other than skeletons.)


    Redirects to:

    A Tentacled Entrepreneur

Sell to an Author of Gothic Tales ( Respectable 7+ & Dreaded 7+)
Sell to a Zailor with Particular Interests ( Respectable 7+ & Bizarre 7+)
Sell to a Rubbery Collector ( Dreaded 7+ & Bizarre 7+)
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Dreaded 7, Bizarre 7
    Locked with Bone Market Exhaustion (This is implemented as a soft-lock more than as a hard-lock; the player can still see this option and use it to sell anything other than skeletons.)


    Redirects to:

    A Rubbery Collector


Dependent on World Quality

Sell to an Enthusiast in Skulls
Sell to a Dreary Midnighter
Sell to a Colourful Phantasist
Sell to an Ingenuous Malacologist
Sell to an Enterprising Boot Salesman

Hiring Buskers

If your BDR isn't capable of reaching the requirements for some of the buyers, these options allow you to pay a small fee in return for access.

Hire a busker to help you attract a Bohemian Sculptress ( Respectable 1-2)
Hire a busker to help you attract a Pedagogically Inclined Grandmother ( Dreaded 1-2)
Hire a busker to help you attract a Theologian of the Old School ( Bizarre 1-2)
Hire a busker to help you attract the Tentacled Entrepreneur ( Bizarre 13-14)
Hire a busker to help you attract the Investment-Minded Ambassador ( Respectable 13-14)
Hire a busker to help you attract a Teller of Terrors ( Dreaded 13-14)