Short Stories (Guide)/Table Publish Short Story

From Fallen London Wiki
The Writer's Desk: Finish a Short Story
up to
Potentially Success (E ) MW Failure (E ) MW E Diff.
16 62  acceptable Story.png (2) 1 Storyunloved.png (1) 0 1
32 62  competent Storycompetent.png (10) 5 Storyunloved.png (1) 1 9
50 62 
compelling Storycompelling.png (30) 10 Storycompetent.png (10) 5 20
70 81 
5x 83 
thrilling Storythrilling.png (50) 20 Storycompetent.png (10) 5 40
80 92  exceptional Storyexceptional.png (60) 25 Storycompelling.png (30) 10 30
90 105  extraordinary Storyextraordinary.png(70) 30 Storythrilling.png (50) 20 20
100 115 
152  162 
masterful Storymasterful.png (80) 35 Storyexceptional.png (60) 25 20
150 celebrated Storycelebrated.png (130) 40 Storyextraordinary.png (70) 30 60
200 classic Storyclassic.png (180) 100 Storymasterful.png (80) 35 100