Smash open your partially invigorated scarlet egg

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Bring Up your Egg

You've encouraged it a little; has that changed the contents?

Game Instructions: This will yield the remains of what was inside, but not a living companion.

Unlocked with Partially Invigorated Scarlet Egg

Challenge information

A matter of luck: The odds are against you here (success chance: 40%)


Smoke and birdsong

[…] dud? No – as the last piece of shell falls away, a cloud of smoke disperses, smelling of cloves and cinnamon. A single feather remains: but what a feather. Put it in a vase and it will light a room; wear it in a hat as the most brilliant panache.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Alternative Success

All but empty

Of whatever belonged inside this shell, little remains except colour: a vibrant blue feather, and a high, longing note that sounds like a late afternoon sky.



The egg is a dud. It is empty. Utterly valueless. However, this pile of paper that you'd used to stop it shifting too close to the fire contains far more than you'd first assumed.

Alternative Failure

Residual heat

The shards of egg shell possess a heat far greater than your hearth could cause. The eyebrow singeing contents provide the explanation. Although, little light is shed on how it got in there.

Redirects to: Bring Up your Egg