The Bounties of the Coil

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description varies based on Of Stripes, and Coils.

Of Stripes, and CoilsDescription
150-190The coffers of the Labyrinth run over. Gold; jewels; secrets; knowledge. All are bestowed liberally upon the participants of the Coilheart Games, be they winners or otherwise[…]

If these are the minor spoils, […] what can we expect once the Sixth Coil open[…]

220, 450With the Games suddenly and earth-shakingly over, the time for prizes has passed. But the Striped Officiant has ordered that the Games' bounties should remain open to all those who are owed.
300?With the Games suddenly and earth-shakingly over, the time for prizes has passed. But the Striped Officiant has ordered that the Games' bounties should remain open to all participating in the rescue effort.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: Spend your Coilheart Renown on rewards.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is present (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 150-450

Storylet appears in The Labyrinth of Tigers


Leverage your knowledge in search of glory
Claim an insensible quantity of fighting-weasels
Claim a grubby urchin
Claim a bevy of shattered mirrors
Claim a box marked 'exhibit enrichment'
Claim an assortment of jewels
Claim a glittering fragment
Claim a sacred mystery