The Fruits of Science
From Fallen London Wiki
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[…] you distill your combined data into a single X on the map you've surveyed together. This X is a point at which core essences are concentrated […] It is a very small point in both space and time, but it is there, as surely as your thumb is on your hand.
[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with Associating with a Youthful Naturalist 140-144
Storylet appears in Port Cecil
Discuss your next steps
- Spoiler
The proper application of cartography
You now have 1 x Naturalist's Map
You've created a most extraordinary map. (Removes
Cartographic Comprehension)
All that funding was spent well, wasn't it? (Removes
Camaraderie & Misery)
More science awaits! (Sets
Associating with a Youthful Naturalist to 145 - Continue the Youthful Naturalist's research at Port Cecil)