Trompowsky et Fils

From Fallen London Wiki

Purveyors of the frangible and fine.

This shop at the Bazaar sells various Adornments.

Item Buy price Sell price Stats
Gogglessmall.png Pair of Neathglass Goggles E 5.00 E 2.50 Watchful +2
Tiegreysmall.png Light-Drinking Cravat E 12.50 E 6.25 Reduces Suspicion build up.
Ringsmall.png Rostygold Ring E 12.50 E 6.25 Dangerous +4
Necklaceredsmall.png Venom-Ruby Lure E 12.50 E 6.25 Persuasive +6
Gogglesgreenglowsmall.png Pair of Luminous Neathglass Goggles E 12.80 E 6.40 Watchful +5 Persuasive -1
Flameringsmall.png Brass Ring E 40.00 E 12.50 Persuasive +5 Baroque! +2
Necklacebluesmall.png Carnelian Sapphire Pendant E 150.00 E 75.00 Respectable +2 Reduces Scandal build up.
Tierainbowsmall.png Unjustifiable Necktie E 150.00 E 75.00 Bizarre +2 Increases Scandal build up.
Monoclesigilsmall.png Semiotic Monocle E 350.00 E 312.50 Watchful +8 Dangerous +5
Ring diamondsmall.png Twelve-Carat Diamond Ring E 350.00 E 225.00 Dangerous +3 Persuasive +8