A Scoop for the Ages

From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Huffam's hordes of reporters have scoured London for the winners […] to stand before him in his office. […]

These newcomers join the rest of Huffam's swollen and impromptu news team […]


Description summary:
The second half of the second paragraph and last paragraph change as Of Stripes, and Coils progresses.

Of Stripes, and CoilsParagraph
230-234The old editor stands now before the quiescent press, his face solemn.

"Through our combined efforts, we have uncovered the unhappy truth of the Sixth Coil. It is only proper that all of you should now know […]." Huffam hands out a run of newspapers […]

235All read the paper, now. […] the story is long, and thoroughly told. […]

'According to our investigations, the Gazette believes that all past […] Tributes to the gaol – are imprisoned within the Coil still. Alive. Altered by time and cruelty, perhaps, […]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect from Attend a meeting of minds

Storylet appears in Veilgarden


Accept a quick handshake
Read the front page (No In Mr Huffam's Good Graces)
Read the front page ( In Mr Huffam's Good Graces)
Conclude the front page story
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils 235




    • Estivaltigersmall.png Outrage in a panoply of languages. None need any encouragement to march upon the Labyrinth. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 240 - The Sixth Coil is blockaded by tigers. Find out why)

    Redirects to: Striped Shames
