Accept a quick handshake

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Scoop for the Ages

Mr Huffam holds out his palm rather than offering you a paper.

Unlocked with An Investigative Journalist: at least 7, i.e. one of: Dedicated Newshound, Dogged Pursuer of Hunches, or Muckraker Par Excellence

Locked with In Mr Huffam's Good Graces


What passes for high praise

"Couldn't have broken this story without you, [written address]." The old man [...] pumps your hand with surprising force. "You have my thanks for pursuing my hunch so doggedly [...]"

He sniffs, and straightens. "No time for sentiment! Events progress apace."

Description summary:
The first paragraph has additional dialogue if you are An Editor of Newspapers -

An Editor of Newspapers -Description
10-14Especially since your own paper is my competition! Few would have the grace to act as you have.

[Find the rest of the story at]