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From: Begin an intrigue

The Tortoise Clan stand against the Eagles, in the Tournament of the Sciences. Perhaps your allies can furnish you with further intelligence.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 2 (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 100-299, Coilheart Eagles 10, Your Current Loyalty in the Khanate: is The Tortoise, Incipient; The Tortoise, Weakly; The Tortoise, Entrenched

Locked with Lead: Tortoise Intelligence


A rival's rival

Your agents arrange an anonymous meeting. [...] "Our banded cousins [...] are closely involved with Parabola." [...] "We, as a people, nurse a healthy distrust of the arts of the glass. Some hold that distrust closer than others. Perhaps to the point of folly." [...]