Category:Aeolian Scream Gain
From Fallen London Wiki
Actions which give out Aeolian Scream.
For a list of uses (cards/storylets it unlocks, and actions requiring it), see Category:Aeolian Scream.
A grindable source of 6 Aeolian Screams (along with Urchin favor) can be found in The Rewards of Intrigue (Share what you've learned with a Cross)
Pages in category "Aeolian Scream Gain"
The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total.
- A Hopeless Pickpocket
- A Set of Correspondence Stones
- A spot of footpadry
- A stroll with a sack
- A tradition developed after the Fall
- Accept the contents of a small cocoon
- An arrangement of screams
- An invitation to a rather exclusive soirée
- An urchin's cache (The Waswood)
- Ask the Goat's opinion
- Ask your Overgoat to perform a trick
- Attempt to calm the Lorn-Fluke
- A thrumming chest of stoppered jars
- A thrumming chest of stoppered jars (Lawful Salvage)
- Accept the Infant's gift
- Allow your devilish associates to take care of this
- Approach with the Perennial Scholar
- Break open your unaugmented scarlet egg
- Invite an Acerbic Clay Man to join you
- Lend your ear to tall tales (2024)
- Meet a Relicker, out of season
- Offer an Invigorated Percipient Egg
- Scoop up a pail of lacre
- Scoop up a pail of lacre (2024)
- Search the shore
- Smash open your partially enlightened egg (Scarlet)
- Turn in Confessions of Violence
- Wrangle a Lovelorn Fool
- An urchin's cache
- Betray Colonel Molly's trust
- Betray the Haunted Doctor's trust
- Buy them a nice meal at a club
- Direct its attention towards the Starved Men
- Exchange Reputation for Aeolian Screams
- Harangue Virginia
- Honour Colonel Molly's trust
- Learn more about the Viscountess' platform
- Lend your ear to tall tales (2023)
- Retrieve and sell a confession from a year gone by
- Reveal his location
- Turn in the Captivating Princess' Confession
- Turn in the Melancholy Curate's Confession