Enlighten Jericho Locks

From Fallen London Wiki

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 5 – 8

DarknessRemark about shadows
1A broken lamp here and there don't really detract from the bright lights shining on the canals.
2It's certainly bright enough to work by. The waves on the water throw off patchy rays of amber light around the canal walls.
3The Locks are half-lit; dark enough to see the False-stars, bright enough to not fall into a canal.
4The Locks are softly lit; dark enough that the False-stars shine, bright enough that railway workers are (mostly) not falling into the canal.
?The Locks are dark. Watch your step, lest you fall into a canal.
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
[Remark depending on Jericho Locks: Darkness]

Unlocked with Colour at the Chessboard 3, Jericho Locks: Darkness

Card drawn in Jericho Locks

Occurs with Standard Frequency


Repair a Lamp
Give an impassioned speech on Light and Beauty
Leave the light as it is
  •  Spoiler 



    A better day will come
