Fifth City Factionalism

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

You must have seen them. The devils. The urchins […] Fallen London has more than its fair share of factions […]

It's impossible to conduct business in the Fifth City without rubbing shoulders […] but those who you associate with […] tell the world […] who you are.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: Fallen London's factions each offer powerful and unique opportunities for those they respect. Raising Favours with any faction tends to be very lucrative, and can be a powerful way to raise your skills. Favours are primarily gained via Opportunity Cards.

Raising your Renown with a particular faction unlocks unique items and choices as you play. This generally costs Favours, and more besides. However, you can make inroads with the factions by visiting Mrs Plenty's Carnival.

Unlocked with Tutorial: Courting Factions exactly 1(hidden)

Storylet appears in Your Lodgings


Make your allegiances known