Hillchanger. Again.

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

The track carries you through the familiar nearby stations, […] and then onward still, for hours more, […] and even your patience begins to to fray.

At last you can see the tower awaiting you from miles away, […] It has squatted over the end of the track. […]


Description summary:
The description of the Hillchanger Tower varies based on your Approved Station Plans, and the third paragraph varies based on your Leader of the Tracklayers

Station PlansTower Description
1 (Consistent)It is also larger than you remember it being at the top of Aescwine Hill: taller, darker, with more emphatic crenellations.
105 (Fortress)It is also larger than you remember it being at the top of Aescwine Hill, with thicker walls and narrower windows.
115 (Infernal)It is not so rectilinear as when it stood at the top of Aescwine Hill. It has a similar profile, but now it looks a little askew, as though it embraced an infernal geometry.
120 (Bazaarine)It is also grander than you remember. The stonework is more polished, and the borders of the windows are picked out in – is that porphyry?
130 (Imperial)It is also more ornate than you remember. There is a great crest over its main arch, with a crab, rampant, on a field of ermine.
140 (Wasteland)It is lower and more approachable than you remember it: the windows wider, with homely curtains hung across the opening.
150 (Surface)It is also more homely than you remember it being, and where the roof was formerly broken and jagged, there is a wooden gable trimmed in green paint.
Leader of the TracklayersThird Paragraph
1 (Furnace Ancona)The Tracklayers have not even tried to dislodge it. Furnace keeps her distance, and has the frustrated expression she wears when she is trying very hard to remember Mr Fires, and failing.
2 (Cornelius)The Tracklayers have not even tried to dislodge it. "I was thinking," says Cornelius, "that we may need an assault animal of some kind."
3 (A Lackey of Mr Fires)The Tracklayers have not even tried to dislodge it. "Mr Fires has sometimes lodged in the building," says Fires' Lackey. "But it's got nothing to do with this, I don't think. Hasn't been in so much contact lately."
4 (A Lackey of Yours, Formerly Aligned with Mr Fires)[…] got nothing to do with this. […] its attention turned back to London, and it talks […] about Mr Stones and Mr Spices and what the Bazaar is up to and when he's destined to be the last Master standing. But not a word about Furnace. Not like it used to be."
10 (January)The Tracklayers have not even tried to dislodge it. "They say they've also seen devils in the vicinity," January remarks.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect from Build the station at Moulin

Storylet appears in Moulin


Open fire
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Train Defences 5


    Challenge information

    Broad, Dangerous 230 || 158 - very chancy (41%) || 196 - chancy (51%) || 234 - modest (61%) || 273 - very modest (71%) || 311 - low-risk (81%) || 349 - straightforward (91%) || 384 - straightforward (100%)


    No errors

    Redirects to: Hillchanger. Again.


    No errors

    Redirects to: Hillchanger. Again.

Walk boldly in
  •  Spoiler 


    Challenge information

    Broad, Dangerous 200 || 137 - very chancy (41%) || 170 - chancy (51%) || 204 - modest (61%) || 237 - very modest (71%) || 270 - low-risk (81%) || 304 - straightforward (91%) || 334 - straightforward (100%)


    Up the spiral stairs

    Redirects to: Interview with a Tower



    Redirects to: Hillchanger. Again.

Take your time and go observantly
  •  Spoiler 


    Challenge information

    Broad, Watchful 200 || 137 - very chancy (41%) || 170 - chancy (51%) || 204 - modest (61%) || 237 - very modest (71%) || 270 - low-risk (81%) || 304 - straightforward (91%) || 334 - straightforward (100%)


    Up the spiral stairs

    Redirects to: Interview with a Tower



    Redirects to: Hillchanger. Again.

Rely on your previous rapport