Publicly defend a liberator of books
From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: The Means to Knowledge
A woman stole several banned books from the Ministry of Public Decency, and disseminated them to the public. Her trial is ongoing. Speak up for her. Set up a soap box outside the courthouse and rally the public.
Game Instructions: If this is successful, it'll ensure you're recognised as a practitioner of the Unconfined.
Unlocked with Ruthless 4,
4 x Tale of Terror!!,
Identified with a Philosophy: [The Legacy of the Anchoress, The Unconfined, The Implacable Method, or Your Own Genius]
Challenge information
- 35 - very chancy (42%)
- 43 - chancy (51%)
- 51 - modest (61%)
- 60 - very modest (72%)
- 68 - low-risk (81%)
- 76 - straightforward (91%)
- 84 - straightforward (100%)
[…] The cry from the crowd rattles the windows of the courthouse: "Knowledge must be free!" But there are those who stand silently: the surly Special Constables […] and those who smile with pride, tip their hats to you, and move on.
[Find the rest of the story at]
Watchful is increasing…
You are most often associated with the Unconfined. (Sets
Identified with a Philosophy: to 2 - The Unconfined)
Daring is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
Subtle is dropping… (-3 CP)
Suspicion is increasing… (+2 CP)
Making Waves is increasing… (+1-7 CP)
You've lost 4 x Tale of Terror!!
Waking the wrong sort
A crowd has gathered, but not to admire your rhetoric. Instead, they watch the beggars – woken by your oration – lob volleys of rotten vegetables at you. Even the Special Constables, come to remove you from your box, smile at the sight.