Take brandy in the parlour

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Season in Soup (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Christmas (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Feast of the Rose (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Hallowmas (Guide)

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From: Horatia's Parlour

At certain hours, a discreet bottle or five is left in the parlour. Usually when the fog is thickest at the windows and the fires are banked in the hearths.

Unlocked with The Season in Soup is exactly 3 (World Quality, now available)


A Fourth City Interpreter

[…] A Khaganian woman, reading texts of Fourth City history and laughing to herself. […]

She is a Fourth City Interpreter […] She has business […] and a high opinion of herself, her place in this house, and of you, as long as you share aforesaid high opinion.

Description summary:
The last paragraph changes during the various Festivals throughout the year.

Current FestivalLast paragraph
London's Season: ChristmasThe Interpreter finishes her absinthe and begins her tirade against the Yule season, [...] until it achieves such a force that it knocks the speaker out cold in her chair. Someone fetches a blanket and a glass of water for the morning.
London's Season: The Feast of the Exceptional RoseThe Interpreter raises an eyebrow when you leave. "You're the first person who's wandered in here and not asked me for a rose-gift." She makes a face. "I'm unsure if I should be offended, or pleased that my stratagem is working."
London's Season: HallowmasAs you make to leave, the Interpreter redons her Hallowmas mask. It is of an antique, lacquered design, made to resemble a pool of lacre with rose petals falling in.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Base Persuasive0–5051–8283–9798–108109–116117–123124–130131–136137–141142–147148–152153–158159–163164–169170–176177–183184–191192–202203–217218–230
Inkling of Identity56789101112131415161718192021222324