The Keeper and the Coil

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description varies with Beneath the Gaze of the Seventh Coil.

Beneath the GazeDescription

[…] "Please – my lord. My love." The Tiger Keeper's […] voice is plaintive. "We must go. Your court takes too long to gather, and our time is short."

[…] The words are not for you. Something vast shifts in the deep, jewelled jungle. Eyes like glim-lamps roam.
18[…] "It is not that. You know it is not that." […] "But you could bring such clarity to—"

[…] We know. […] a vast serpentine coil moves […]. It is banded red, gold and black, with […] scales of purest white[…]. We have tasted the airs of your dreams, and the blood of your heart.

16[...] One by one, you creep through the forest. [...]

Not like these graceless recusants. [...] the creature hauls itself out from the forest now, mountains of scale and flesh. The Keeper's eyes do not move from its great, swaying pupil, still ensconced in shadow.

14But not you. You came of your own will, dear consort. [...] the Seventh Coil's face [...] touch the Tiger Keeper's forehead. Together, we will bathe in eternity.

You are almost at the front [...]; the final figures to lurch from the darkness are tigers, ragged and thi[…]

12A forked tongue. Whiskers like copper wire […]. Those vast ophidian eyes, commanding the Keeper's adoring gaze, roving at last across its assembled court, silver-eyed, obeisant [...].

You are in place. You are not hidden. The Seventh Coil sees you at last.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Set up the Xanthous Arrays

Storylet appears in The Sixth Coil (Location)


Remain hidden
Creep onwards
Adopt a silver-eyed tribute's gait
Prowl as a tiger prowls
Turn on the lights
Attempt to negotiate with Keeper and Coil