...a fading wash of sunlight?
This page is retired from the game! If you disagree, please explain in the Comments or at Category talk:Retired |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
Game Instructions: Already the light is fading. In a few minutes it will end, and so too will the Feast.
Wiki note: The title and options of this storylet changed during the short time it was available.
Bask in the light
- Spoiler
This article is a disambiguation page for ...a fading wash of sunlight? The following is a list of links to pages that share the same title. Hopefully, the page you were looking for is listed below. If not, try using the search function. If an internal link led you here, you may want to adjust that link to point directly to the intended article.
Bask in the last remnants of the light
- Spoiler
This article is a disambiguation page for ...a fading wash of sunlight? The following is a list of links to pages that share the same title. Hopefully, the page you were looking for is listed below. If not, try using the search function. If an internal link led you here, you may want to adjust that link to point directly to the intended article.
A Weeping Tattooist
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Entwined in the Intrigues of the Clathermont Family 1
Challenge information
Watchful 60 || 41 - very chancy (41%) || 51 - chancy (51%) || 61 - modest (61%) || 71 - very modest (71%) || 81 - low-risk (81%) || 91 - straightforward (91%) || 100 - straightforward (100%)
There he goes -
Watchful is increasing…
Watchful is increasing… (+20 CP, up to level 200 +
Watchful Gains)
They're gone!
Watchful is increasing…
Take advantage of the distraction
- Spoiler Action Cost: 10
Challenge information
Shadowy 80 || 55 - very chancy (41%) || 68 - chancy (51%) || 82 - modest (61%) || 95 - very modest (71%) || 108 - low-risk (81%) || 122 - straightforward (91%) || 134 - straightforward (100%)
Heaped treasures!
Shadowy is increasing… (+50 CP, up to level 200 +
Shadowy Gains)
You've gained 1 x Thirsty Bombazine Scrap
You've gained 1 x Magnificent Diamond
You've gained 20 x Venom-Ruby
You've gained 1 x Nodule of Trembling Amber
You've gained 2 x Ostentatious Diamond
Heartless is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
A substantial haul
You've gained 180 x Nevercold Brass Sliver
You've gained 520 x Jade Fragment
Shadowy is increasing… (+50 CP, up to level 200 +
Shadowy Gains)
Suspicion is increasing… (+1 CP)
Heartless is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
Trap a little sunlight in a Mirrorcatch Box!
- Spoiler Unlocked with
1 x Mirrorcatch Box
Challenge information
Watchful 120 || 82 - very chancy (41%) || 102 - chancy (51%) || 122 - modest (61%) || 142 - very modest (71%) || 162 - low-risk (81%) || 182 - straightforward (91%) || 200 - straightforward (100%)
Your Dark-Carapaced Crustacean is wriggling free!
- Spoiler Unlocked with
1 x Dark-Carapaced Crustacean
A sizzle and a crack!
You've lost 1 x Dark-Carapaced Crustacean
You've gained 1 x Gilded Crustacean
A memory...
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre 7
If lacre is the Bazaar's tears...
Your 'Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre' Quality has gone!
You've gained 1 x Dreadful Surmise