Another Night of Magic
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Tales of Mahogany Hall (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
You have performed your own illusion and risen high in the Glass. Your work is done, for now. The show must go on, though, and this Saturday it's Henry Peppercorn's turn. He's showing a new variation on his famous Ghost.
Unlocked with Day of the Week 6,
Tales of Mahogany Hall 20,
Connected: Glass 20
Storylet appears in Mahogany Hall
Compare Peppercorn's illusion to yours
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Watchful 114 || 78 - very chancy (41%) || 97 - chancy (51%) || 116 - modest (61%) || 135 - very modest (71%) || 154 - low-risk (81%) || 173 - straightforward (91%) || 190 - straightforward (100%)
Most instructive
Watchful is increasing…
Your 'Day of the Week' Quality has gone!
Tales of Mahogany Hall is dropping… (-20 CP)
You've gained 50 x Cryptic Clue
You've gained 1 x Appalling Secret
Too dazzling
Watchful is increasing…
Plagued by a Popular Song is increasing… (+4 CP)
Tales of Mahogany Hall is dropping… (-30 CP)
Your 'Day of the Week' Quality has gone!
Nightmares is increasing… (+3 CP)
Steal Peppercorn's ideas
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Shadowy 115 || 79 - very chancy (41%) || 98 - chancy (51%) || 117 - modest (61%) || 137 - very modest (71%) || 156 - low-risk (81%) || 175 - straightforward (91%) || 192 - straightforward (100%)
Shocking ruthlessness
Shadowy is increasing…
Your 'Day of the Week' Quality has gone!
Tales of Mahogany Hall is dropping… (-14 CP)
You've gained 60 x Cryptic Clue
You've gained 4 x Appalling Secret
You've gained 14 x Proscribed Material
Shadowy is increasing…
Plagued by a Popular Song is increasing… (+4 CP)
Your 'Day of the Week' Quality has gone!
Tales of Mahogany Hall is dropping… (-20 CP)
Nightmares is increasing… (+3 CP)
Indulge your hunger. Sabotage Peppercorn
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Unaccountably Peckish 3
Your 'Day of the Week' Quality has gone!
Tales of Mahogany Hall is dropping… (-30 CP)
Scandal is increasing… (+4 CP)
Nightmares is increasing… (+4 CP)
Wounds is increasing… (+4 CP)
Suspicion is increasing… (+4 CP)
Plagued by a Popular Song is increasing… (+4 CP)
You've gained 4 x Unaccountably Peckish (up to 10)