At the Command of the (Airship Name)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

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You take a brief survey of the (Airship Name):

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Description summary:
The first paragraph is dependent on your Under Attack! quality. The second paragraph is dependent on your Far Afield from Station IX quality. And the final two sentences are dependent on your Damage to your Airship and Fuel Depletion of your Airship qualities respectively.

Under Attack!First Paragraph
0The Roof is quiet. No sound but [...] your own heart; [...] the engines, [...] the propellers. There are candles lit in some of the pale citadels, but the Starved remain out of sight. For now. [...]
1Candles gutter in the citadels. The Starved can see well enough in the dark. The silence is broken by the slice of serrated wings; the skittering of elongated limbs crawling down stone; the shriek as they prepare to leap – and rend. [...]
Far Afield from Station IXSecond Paragraph
0 - 4London is close below. There are few citadels here; the stalactites are calm. Pale pillars hang like needles from the rock, waiting to fall.
5 - 9The False-Stars move above, so close you could reach out and touch them...
10 - 19A vast carapace lies dormant ahead. Its flesh is the blue of midnight, its million eyes pale and curdled as milk. Once a Moon-Mother, now it is merely this.
20 - 29The citadels of the Starved are near. There is movement behind the yawning openings in their pallid facades. Within one, you see a great vat, ochre and boiling.
30 - 39Starved Men hang pinioned to slender stalactites. A hunting ground? An experiment, failed – or ongoing? A long limb twitches as you pass below, beseeching, or grasping...
40 - 49Tunnels above, burrowed into the rock, extending towards the Surface. Fat and amber clots these openings, though you fancy you can see movement within. The Starved do not share a singular purpose – who knows what this might be?
50+A vast citadel ahead, formed of flesh and bone as much as of stone. Its facade resembles a skull, but not that of any human. [...] The mouth [...] is composed of five rows of [...] teeth.
Damage to your AirshipFourth Paragraph
0 - 1Your airship is in fine fettle.
2The craft has taken fire, but no more than a glancing blow. You remain fighting fit!
3 - 4There are holes in the deck and one engine billows with black smoke. Yet you persevere.
5 - 6Half the crew is lost. Fires rage across the deck. Yet still, the airship holds, guns blazing.
7The craft is almost lost. Only the sound of cannon through the smoke lets you know that your gunners fight on.
8The airship is a lost cause. Retreat, while you still can!
Fuel Depletion of your AirshipFifth Paragraph
0 - 2You have sufficient fuel.
3 - 4Your boilers are at half capacity.
5 - 7Your fuel stores are running dangerously low.
8Your fuel is depleted. You must head back, while you still can.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Storylet appears in Warring on the Roof

No Danger

Employ speed
Employ stealth
Go looking for trouble
Return to base

Under Attack

Stay at range and return fire
Engage the enemy directly
Evade their attacks

Sighting the Castles

Sight one of the castles on the roof

Menaces Too High

Return to base under emergency power
Attempt an emergency retreat!