Express pessimism

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An End, at Last

London did not end today. But the cost has been high, and it has bought no real gain.

Unlocked with London, Falling exactly 600


Loss, heavy

The spectre of the future hangs heavy [...] how far must London go to recover from this? And what shall be done about the Starved Men[...]?

"We can make this matter right, [...] we can find the means to mend."

[...] The Boat drifts on into the darkness.

Description summary:
The last paragraph varies depending on your level of Associating with a Youthful Naturalist.

0The Boatman rattles a sigh, but keeps his own council.
800 - 900The Boatman surveys his passengers slowly. "London's destined end has yet to arrive." It is unclear whether this is intended as comfort.
1000The Boatman's empty sockets gaze pointedly in your direction. "Londoners are becoming quite adept at averting destiny."

[Find the rest of the story at]

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