The Place of the Judge
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Diving in the Magistracy (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The corridor has assumed the dimensions of a coffin. […]
Before you is a chair, hardly worth the name of throne. Whatever sat there must have been little bigger than a child.
Behind that chair, the wall is silvered. Your reflection's lamp gleams.Description summary:
Somehow, the place has carvings about the promises that you have made. It is unclear whether this is real or a hallucination. Additional text reflects choices from Ambition: Bag a Legend!.
Steadfast | Passage about your promises |
0 - 2 | The masonry is inscribed with your own promises, though very faintly. You have not put great store in your word. |
3 | |
4 - 6 | The masonry is inscribed with promises you have made, commitments and undertakings of various sorts. The letters do not go deep. |
7 - 8 | |
9 | The masonry is inscribed deeply with promises you have made. |
10 - 12 | The blocks are written with the words of promises you have made, commitments offered and arrangements undertaken. There are many, always steadfastly honoured. |
13 - 14 | The blocks are deeply carved with the words of promises you have made, commitments offered and arrangements undertaken. |
15 | The blocks are profoundly carved with the words of promises you have made; your character is too steadfast to allow anything less. |
Swore an Oath to Mr Wines | Statement about oath |
1 - You have sworn an oath. You did not mean it 2 - You have sworn an oath. You meant it to apply to the Vake | Here is the oath you swore to Mr Wines, when you were looking for the Vake. It is on a very small block, no larger than half a brick. Perhaps that means Mr Wines has forgotten it. |
3 - You have sworn an oath. You accepted the consequences | Here is a block, quite a large one, written with the promise that you made to Mr Wines, when you were hunting the Vake. A promise to kill a friend, if the time came when that person did not live up to their ideals. |
10 - You have honoured an oath to Mr Wines | Some blocks are missing: perhaps those are the ones you have already fulfilled? |
[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with redirect from Look for the Throne Room
Storylet appears in The Magistracy of the Evenlode
Study the evidence
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Broad, Watchful 275 || 188 - very chancy (41%) || 234 - chancy (51%) || 280 - modest (61%) || 326 - very modest (71%) || 372 - low-risk (81%) || 418 - straightforward (91%) || 459 - straightforward (100%)
Difficulty shown above is at Archaeologist of 5.
Words written long ago
- Watchful is increasing…
- You are no longer diving. (Removes Diving Depth)
- Your 'Acclimating to Pressure' Quality has gone!
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
- You've gained 1 x Cave-Aged Code of Honour
Redirects to: The Magistracy of the Evenlode
Words written long ago
- Watchful is increasing…
- Nightmares is increasing… (+ +3 CP)
- Wounds is increasing… (+ +3 CP)
- You are no longer diving. (Removes Diving Depth)
- Your 'Acclimating to Pressure' Quality has gone!
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
- You've gained 1 x Cave-Aged Code of Honour
Redirects to: The Magistracy of the Evenlode
Breathe an ancient air
- Spoiler Unlocked with 75 x Final Breaths
Challenge information
Broad, Dangerous 220 || 151 - very chancy (41%) || 187 - chancy (51%) || 224 - modest (61%) || 261 - very modest (71%) || 297 - low-risk (81%) || 334 - straightforward (91%) || 367 - straightforward (100%)
What was here, before
- Dangerous is increasing…
- You are no longer diving. (Removes Diving Depth)
- Your 'Acclimating to Pressure' Quality has gone!
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
- You've lost 75 x Final Breath
- You've gained 1 x Mortification of a Great Power
Redirects to: The Magistracy of the Evenlode
What was here, before
- Dangerous is increasing…
- You are no longer diving. (Removes Diving Depth)
- Your 'Acclimating to Pressure' Quality has gone!
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
- You've lost 75 x Final Breath
- Wounds is increasing… (+3 CP)
- You've gained 1 x Mortification of a Great Power
- Nightmares is increasing… (+3 CP)
Redirects to: The Magistracy of the Evenlode
Let the lamp-cat guide you out
- Spoiler Unlocked with Monstrous Anatomy 5
Lure in the dark
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
Redirects to: Diving in the Magistracy
Wield the Broken Word
- Spoiler Unlocked with 1 x A WORD, BROKEN
No reward narrative information available for Fate-locked actions.
- An occurrence! Your 'Seeking a Submerged Throne Room' Quality is now 2 - You've seen the Throne Room in the deep waters of the Magistracy!
Redirects to: Diving in the Magistracy