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Creating Category:Tracklayers' Displeasure Gain
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Pages in category "Tracklayers' Displeasure Gain"
The following 91 pages are in this category, out of 91 total.
- Add more plaques to the stove 2
- Advertise for newcomers even if not from the Union
- Advertise, and make sure the newcomers are welcome
- Allow Hell its hour
- Arrange for January to lead the Tracklayers instead of (Current Leader)
- Arrange for January to lead the Tracklayers instead of (Leader)
- Arrange for January to lead the Tracklayers instead of (Leader) 2
- Assist the missionaries
- Keep Cornelius just where he is
- Keep Furnace just where she is
- Keep Furnace just where she is (Anti-Emancipationist)
- Keep January just where she is
- Kick out (Current Leader) and install Furnace as leader of the Tracklayers
- Kick out (Leader) and install a lackey of your own
- Kick out (Leader) and install a stooge of Mr Fires
- Kick out (Leader) and install Furnace as leader of the Tracklayers
- Lay track across the ice-marsh and keep watch for any bones
- Lay track across the white flats and watch for any bones
- Lay track through marsh and keep watch for any buried bones as you go
- Lay track through marsh and keep watch for any buried bones as you go (After Discovery)
- Lay track through open city and keep watch for any buried bones as you go
- Lay track through open city and keep watch for any buried bones as you go (After Stoppage)
- Lay track through plains and encourage the Prehistoricists
- Lay track through plains and encourage the Prehistoricists (After Stoppage)
- Lay track through plains and set aside housing for the workforce
- Lay track through plains and set aside housing for the workforce (After Stoppage)
- Make a run for it
- Make Cornelius leader of the Tracklayers instead of (Leader)
- Make Cornelius leader of the Tracklayers instead of Fires' Lackey (or) Your Lackey
- Make Cornelius leader of the Tracklayers instead of Furnace
- Make Cornelius leader of the Tracklayers instead of January
- Mislead the hovering dirigible
- Mislead the hovering dirigible (Troubled Times)
- See that the most promising Whitsun hatchling reaches London
- Send a few citizens that way, by guile or by force
- Settle local disputes
- Study the most novel portion of the populace
- Supervise a visit from the Castellan of Balmoral (not September)
- Supervise a visit from the Castellan of Balmoral (September)
- Support the Liberationists and build track across the ice-marsh
- Support the Liberationists and build track across the white flats
- Support the Liberationists and build track through marshland
- Support the Liberationists and build track through marshland (After Discovery)
- Support the Liberationists and build track through open city
- Support the Liberationists and build track through open city (After Stoppage)
- Support the Liberationists and build track through plains land
- Support the Liberationists and build track through plains land (After Stoppage)
- Survey the damage to (City Name)
- Swing at her