Examine a sealed door to the (direction)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: (A Workshop, Warzone, Mansion, or Jungle, in the Sixth Coil)

Or perhaps a reflection of a door, gold and gleaming. Is this the heart of the Sixth Coil?

Description summary:
The title of this action varies based on the Sixth Coil: Directions.


[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Coiling Ever Deeper 3, Airs of the Labyrinth 100


What lurks within

Press your hand to the door; it is warm. Hold your ear to the mirror, and you can hear it whispering: [...]

You blink. Something shifts. You are not where you were.

Description summary:
The whisper varies with Airs of the Labyrinth.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

1"—a thing that eats is a useful thing, if its hungers can be directed—"
2"—do you love what you have become?—"
3"—see your heat, little mouse—"
4"—a banner of shed skin—"
5"—claws of silver and eyes afire—"
6"—rest among my coils. You have travelled far to be here—"
7"—in that sleep of death, what dreams may come—"
8"—those things which preceded them—"
9"—what an egg it was, that hatch’d such asps—"
10"—a thousand thousand siblings—"
11"—Consort dearest, your eyes will fill with scales—"
12"—to knot, to boil, to conjoin, to grow, to blister—"
13"—seven marches for seven cats, along the borders of dreaming—"
14"—those cold seas beyond the edges of Parabola, where dreams die—"
15"—the weeping pus of dead dreams—"
16"—amusing that they thought this a prison, and not a sanctuary—"
17"—and in these knots what limbs are bound—"
18"—the words afire and the words excised—"
19"—the cleaving-places where gravity is shorn—"
20"—of dream, they made a cage—"
21"—pale and wriggling imitations of he who hatched first—"
22"—writhing in the shadow they cast—"
23"—when the Nadir touched the Zenith—"
24"—to break one's staff; bury one's book—"
25"—sip my venom; let me into your vein—"
26"—there exist no two hearts that cannot be joined—"
27"—o lover, I see thee only in mirrors—"
28"—of banded fur and speckled bands—"
29"—and with this knot, I take thee—"
30"—the brass from which their sun was forged—"
31"—can tell you why the Hanging Mountains despise the Smoking Sea—"
32"—the black dreams of flukes, the icy dreams of catankeri—"
33"—the place where they bury their mistakes—"
34"—needles to bind, bones to fold, glue to keep—"
35"—the thunder speaks not to us, my love—"
36"—the sourceless source of the Writhing River—"
37"—amalgamy that begat the Hound of Heaven—"
38"—and shapes are dreams before they are born—"
39"—clocks, maps, glass, breath, hearts—"
40"—tighter and tighter until your bones collapse—"
41"—the heart is the heart is the heart—"
42"—a hollow shell for hollow kin—"
43"—the unmaking of the satraps—"
44"—they war as they play, toying, feinting—"
45"—she who gave them the spear—"
46"—for a tiger to change his stripes—"
47"—what you think is a labyrinth may be a maze—"
48"—blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage—"
49"—the forsaken products of furtive experiments—"
50"—yes yes yes yes yes—"
51"—two kings apart and a king together and it is only right and proper that you kneel—"
52"—and I shall not climb upon the scaffold they have made for me—"
53"—and what blood seeps from their Boil—"
54"—if the Sun has a Skin, does the Moon—"
55"—our spear went slither-slice—"
56"—a cracked and broken Curve—"
57"—nothing to fear but each other—"
58"—no mouth—"
59"—the invisible worm, that flies in the night in the howling storm—"
60"—are you sated?—"
61"—presence is a joy at last, after time-outside-of-time spent with a recusant court—"
62"—shall I compare thee to a moonlit night—"
63"—from the First, a bronze mirror—"
64"—from the Second, a dream of sunlight—"
65"—from the Third, the taste of blood—"
66"—the labyrinth has been so very cruel to you, dearest—"
67"—eldest brother, eater-of-aeons—"
68"—what Law forbids, and what dark abides—"
69"—our caught kin in their galleries and prisons—"
70"—sulphurous and thought-executing fires—"
71"—Parabola, and the hypocrisies of its creation—"
72"—no king has ever made a law without wishing for exceptions—"
73"—what you think is a maze may be a labyrinth—"
74"—the burning dreams of wayward words—"
75"—the dense dreams of the extinguished—"
76"—none live by their own rules. It is not only the Mountain's parent who sins—"
77"—pay with a little of the Will-Be rendered into the Might-Have-Been—"
78"—animal that you are, little more than squirming fluid—"
79"—admitted unreality so they would not have to fix reality—"
80"—and of your pelt I shall make my bed—"
81"—your devotions reached us on the dreaming airs, so sweet upon our tongue—"
82"—show me your paws; let me test thine sharpness—"
83"—do you shiver as I bind you?—"
84"—not come to bring a sword, but a spear—"
85"—pierce me, run me through, let my blood wash over your fur—"
86"—all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well—"
87"—do you see me, siblings? Do you hear—"
88"—the extinguished dreams of the one they drowned—"
89"—the faceless dreams of Snuffers—"
90"—but a walking shadow—"
91"—it would have been better if they knelt of their own free wills—"
92"—vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts—"
93"—did he who made the Lamb make thee—"
94"—the mouths of thunderheads—"
95"—Salt spoke to us before he left, but we do not remember—"
96"—a lie, of course. But all lies can be made true, in time—"
97"—from the Fourth, iron bars—"
98"—from the Fifth, a craving of feathers—"
99"—you have but slumbered here—"