(A Jungle, in the Sixth Coil)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The title and description depend on the Sixth Coil: Locales. There is also an additional paragraph whose presence and text depend on your Coiling Ever Deeper.

1 - 19Dark ClearingYou are somewhere in the middle of a dense jungle; a small break in the vegetation. Ferns underfoot; a thicket of vines all around.
20 - 29Termite MoundA miniature castle of red earth, growing in the middle of a clearing. You don't see the termites, but there's a hum of activity coming from the hive. Put your hand on the compacted clay – it is warm, warm as a body.
30 - 39Rose ThicketHere, the jungle becomes a mass of rose bushes – some as tall as palm trees. Thorns and red blooms; the leaf litter underfoot is a crush of petals
40 - 49Cycad BendSquat cycads dominate the vegetation here; a little Jurassic grove. The trail twists around a massive, bulbous tree fern.
50 - 69Scale Tree StandThe trees here are tall and thin Lepidodendron, their trunks covered in rhomboid scales like an alligator's back. Above, a canopy of needle-like leaves.
70 - 79Orchid GroveEvery tree in this grove is covered in epiphytic orchids – a mass of colourful parasites, each delicate bloom different from the last.
80 - 89Shedding-placeThe discarded skins of large serpents drape over the canopy here, dry and translucent. Thousands of them, a grim garland.
90 - 100Predator's DenA little hollow in a rocky embankment, not deep enough to be a cave, but big enough to be shelter. Around it is a scatter of bones. Some broken or gnawed into unrecognisable splinters. Some still intact: buffalo, deer, man...
Coiling Ever DeeperSecond paragraph
5 - 9Leaves rustle all around you; are you being stalked?
10In the undergrowth, something hisses.
11 - 15Wind makes the vegetation shift and sway. Or do you see a shadow, stalking behind the leaves?

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Storylet appears in The Sixth Coil (Location)


(Sneak) (somewhere) through (the jungle)
Pick up a beautiful cloak
Resolve to leave this place
Shed your burdens
Bazaardoor glass.png
Escape the labyrinth


Climb up (a level) ( Airs 0-20)
Descend into (a hole) ( Airs 80-100)
Pass (direction) through a gaping maw ( Airs 10-20)

Airs-Dependent Options

Remember a passage (somewhere) ( Airs 0-50)
Glasswork sidebar.png
(Pass) through (a mirror) ( Airs 40-80)
Bazaardoor ormolu.png
Examine a sealed door to the (direction) ( Airs 100)