(A Mansion, in the Sixth Coil)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The title and description depend on the Sixth Coil: Locales. There is also an additional paragraph whose presence and text depend on your Coiling Ever Deeper.

1 - 9Plush Drawing-RoomVelvet and velour and voluptuous upholstery. Chairs that threaten to engulf the sitter. A decanter of whiskey surrounded by a merry troop of [...] glass tumblers. Carpet like the undergrowth of a jungle, and a fireplace big enough to dispose of a corpse.
10 - 19Servants' QuartersA warren of little partitions with humble cots. Well-scrubbed hardwood floors. A little light seeping in through high, narrow windows.
20 - 29Reflecting WashroomWhite porcelain and silver fixtures polished to a mirror finish. You can see your face on every surface, distorted in this or that way, reflections of reflections. Make your ablutions in a mirror-gallery.
30 - 39Portrait GalleryNot an inch of wall is left uncovered: Portraits big enough to be life-sized, portraits the size of locket miniatures, and everything in between. All depicting the same subject: A regal tiger [...] staring out of the canvas directly at you.
40 - 49Hedge MazeThe hedges are easily twenty feet tall, walls of green that obscure the world. You find yourself in a little plaza, a confluence of pathways. Gravel underfoot, and a little fountain – out of proportion to the oversized walls – in the middle.
50 - 59Overflowing Dining RoomA mahogany table the size of a cottage; a legion of silverware and porcelain. It all struggles to contain a mountain of food – greyish-pink terrines, mounds of pâté, constellations of olives and capers suspended in clear aspics.
60 - 69Sculpture GardenA clearing surrounded by tall cypresses – each one bent halfway by a prevailing wind. Marble sculptures all around, each depicting the same subject: a vast serpent, their whiskers and stripes drawn as trompe l'oeil carvings in the marble.
70 - 79Feathered BedchamberPeacock and bluejay and goose and bird-of-paradise. In elaborate fans, at the edge of robes, [...] scattered underfoot. Bird's head motifs carved into the furniture, their empty black eyes producing a constant sensation of being watched.
80 - 89Marble CorridorAn in-between space. Marble on every surface: black streaked with gold underfoot; cream streaked with red overhead. Little marble benches to sit on. Marble columns on the walls.
90 - 100Carpeted BoudoirAnd what a carpet it is! Thick enough to sink ankle-deep into, richly patterned, red on crimson. All the furniture – a chaise, a vanity, a settee – is settled at an odd angle, as if it really is slowly sinking into a velvet mire.
Coiling Ever DeeperSecond Paragraph
4 - 8Something here smells sweet and pungent, like fermentation.
9 - 14The smell of rot invades your nostrils. Like grapes left on the vine, turning to wine and mold.
15+The stench of decay permeates the labyrinth. You can hardly breathe.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Storylet appears in The Sixth Coil (Location)


Bazaardoor steel.png
(Leave) (somewhere) through (the mansion)
Take the ornate mask
Resolve to leave this place
Shed your burdens
Bazaardoor glass.png
Escape the labyrinth


Climb up (a level) ( Airs 0-20)
Descend into (a hole) ( Airs 80-100)
Pass (direction) through a gaping maw ( Airs 30-40)

Airs-Dependent Options

Remember a passage (somewhere) ( Airs 0-50)
Glasswork sidebar.png
(Pass) through (a mirror) ( Airs 40-80)
Bazaardoor ormolu.png
Examine a sealed door to the (direction) ( Airs 100)