(A Warzone, in the Sixth Coil)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The title and description depend on the Sixth Coil: Locales. There is also an additional paragraph whose presence and text depend on your Coiling Ever Deeper.

1 - 9Concrete BunkerGrey, pockmarked walls scarred by mortar fire and bullets. A sickly light filters in through the gunslits, but you can't make out the battlefield outside. A haze of gunpowder in the air; the constant sound of artillery.
10 - 19Cramped ArsenalThis stone-walled room is choking on weapons. Crates upon crates of pistols and rifles, still covered in [...] grease. But also racks of spears, shields, and swords right out [...] a mediaeval castle. One corner is taken up by a pile of arrows stacked like hay.
20 - 29Crumbling BattlementYou're high up on some ancient star fort overlooking a muddy and indistinct battlefield. The stones have been scarred by cannon-fire, and now the whole structure is askew – threatening to teeter off into oblivion.
30 - 39Windowless War-RoomElectric light flickering overhead. The walls shake, every so often, with the rumbling of distant artillery. A huge table covered in maps, charts, dispatches from the front. A persistent rancid smell of cigarettes and sweat.
40 - 49Field of SpearsPikes dig into the black earth, as if one of Cromwell's regiments was taken by the Holy Spirit mid-march. A forest of iron all around you, enclosing you as surely as a stand of bamboo.
50 - 59Muddy TrenchLittle more than a ditch carved out of the earth with bloodied hands, braced against entropy with rotting timber. The walls are too high to see over; above, a sliver of smoky grey that could be a sky. In the distance: the cry of artillery.
60 - 69Bloody SewerThe stone bowels of a castle or prison; a dungeon. Iron cells and iron doors. A little light from oil lanterns on the walls. A rivulet of blood, fresh and red, running through the middle of the floor, draining elsewhere.
70 - 79Fortified PositionSandbags piled high into a protective semicircle, so tall that you can't see over it. Gatling guns, dozens of them, stacked haphazardly into the barrier, stuffed through gaps in cover, bristling outwards in every direction.
80 - 89Deserted EmplacementA colossal artillery gun sits here, in a circular depression in the battlefield mud, surrounded by sandbags and crates of shells. It is long-abandoned, rusted to uselessness, the barrel corroded into fraying red lace.
90 - 100Cracked FoundationYou are somewhere low in a vast stone structure – a fort, a castle, a bunker. A little candlelight, just enough to see the spiderweb of cracks and gaps in the mortar and stone; this construction is crumbling.
Coiling Ever DeeperSecond paragraph
5 - 11The smell of gunpowder and blood is nearly overwhelming.
12The sound of an explosion, all too close, rings your ears. Mortar fire.
13+A heavy smoke – charred bodies and artillery fire – hangs all around, making you ill.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Storylet appears in The Sixth Coil (Location)


(Run) (somewhere) through (the warzone)
Pick up an ornate revolver
Resolve to leave this place
Shed your burdens
Bazaardoor glass.png
Escape the labyrinth


Climb up (a level) ( Airs 0-20)
Descend into (a hole) ( Airs 80-100)
Pass (direction) through a gaping maw ( Airs 70-80)

Airs-Dependent Options

Remember a passage (somewhere) ( Airs 0-50)
Glasswork sidebar.png
(Pass) through (a mirror) ( Airs 40-80)
Bazaardoor ormolu.png
Examine a sealed door to the (direction) ( Airs 100)