(A Workshop, in the Sixth Coil)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The title and description depend on Sixth Coil: Locales. There is also an additional paragraph whose presence and text depend on your Coiling Ever Deeper.

1 – 19Leatherbound StudyThe walls, the floor, the desk, even the bodies of the pens – it's all been covered in […] skin […] worked with such loving care that the grain of the leather runs in the same direction across the whole room. The stacks of paper […] are, of course, vellum.
20 – 29Ink RepositoryThe walls […] each hold […] little glass bottles. There's a whole section dedicated to different shades of black. Another where all the inks are the colour of blood – in different states of drying out, ranging from vibrant crimson to dull brown.
30 – 39Door StorageA facility for building more of this maze? Here, stored in purpose-built scaffolds of pine slats, are doors. […] cheap doors and expensive doors. Sliding paper doors in the Japanese style. A range of folding doors – two, three, four, or even five leaves.
40 – 49Optical GalleryMore of a workshop, really. Telescopes and microscopes jumbled on shelves. A small watchmaker's lathe for making brass fittings. A grinder for making lenses. […] piles of glass blanks, […] waiting to be shaped.
50 – 69Glim-Mosaic LibraryThis room is illuminated from every direction; shards of glim are encrusted in […] a glowing mosaic. In this context, you can see the subtle distinction in colour from one piece of glim to the next: turquoise, aquamarine, chartreuse, teal, apocyan...
70 – 89Tattooed OfficeSlanted writing desks with inkwells; wood-panelled walls. There are patterns on the furniture, patterns on the walls – drawings in black ink. Chess pieces. Tarot cards. Abstract signs and symbols.
90 – 100Circular ObservatoryThis room is dominated by a large telescope – an intricate construction of brass and mirrors, pointed up at the Roof. Look through it, and you can see a formation of False-Stars arrayed in a spiral.
Coiling Ever DeeperSecond Paragraph
5 – 9There's a scent of ozone in the air.
10 – 14All your hairs are standing on end. The air here is charged with static.
15+Static electricity crackles as you move, sending little jolts through your skin.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Storylet appears in The Sixth Coil (Location)


Eye purple.png
(Look) (somewhere) into (the workshop)
Pick up the ornate magnifying glass
Resolve to leave this place
Shed your burdens
Bazaardoor glass.png
Escape the labyrinth


Climb up (a level) ( Airs 0-20)
Descend into (a hole) ( Airs 80-100)
Pass (direction) through a gaping maw ( Airs 90-100)

Airs-Dependent Options

Remember a passage (somewhere) ( Airs 0-50)
Glasswork sidebar.png
(Pass) through (a mirror) ( Airs 40-80)
Bazaardoor ormolu.png
Examine a sealed door to the (direction) ( Airs 100)