
From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The first half of the description varies based on The Hour of the Illuminated, while the second half varies based on your Moon-Miser Readiness.

HourFirst Half
1Ortus is the Hour of Awakening, and finds the Illuminated in [...] the Stoae of Sleep [...]

The Misers rustle through the Lower Strata in small herds or large swarms. The Illuminated keep pace: part shepherd, part veterinarian, part rider, part servant. [...]

2It is Vescors, when man and Miser feed. The Illuminated find succour in the feeding-warrens, on the very fringes of Zenith's fortress. Those who arrive first get first pick of the tunnels' bounties.
3There is no indication that [...] 'the baths' is anything but another of Zenith's endless series of drippy, carven courtyards and peristyles. But it is here that they spend the Hour of Lavares cleansing their flock, and so the name sticks.
4The endless circular migration of the Illuminated stops now in a high series of peripheral nooks and caves that they call the Pails. It is the Hour of Mulgeres, and time for the Moon-Misers to be milked.
5Emerging from the Pails, the Illuminated scatter according to opaque and unspoken agreements. During the Hour of Fulgents, the false-stars must live up to their names.
6The Hours conclude with Sopios, the time of rest. With this return, the Illuminated complete another daily peregrination through Zenith's tangled circumference.
ReadinessSecond Half
0A lone Illuminated, mantled in a ragged cloth of gold that bears images of flame and light, waits by the cluster of Misers. [...] He gives you a nod as you approach. "I was told you were coming." Prophecy? He shakes his head. "The Drover."
1The Historiated Herder makes a complex whistling noise [...] The elderly Miser [...] shambles in your direction.

It is very large, and [...] you can see the many wounds the Roof has inflicted upon it. [...] The Historiated Herder hands you the crook. "Well?" He says, "After it."

2 - 3Your Miser shambles, wheezing and moulting, after the rest of the herd. Lacreous encrustations protrude over many of its eyes. Milk pools under its feet, and it pauses to breathe in the fumes of its own fermented desires.
4Your Miser is permitted to move closer to the flock. Milk pools under its undersacs still: other Misers stop to drink it. Are they bonding? Or making use of a resource before its producer ceases to produce.
5 - 7Your Miser moves with the herd as it makes its way [...] Its milk mingles with its siblings', and they keen together as they seek out higher and higher reaches. Occasionally, it looks back, searching [...] Only when it has caught your gaze does it turn away.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with The Hour of the Illuminated, Firmament exactly 265

Locked with Moon-Miser Readiness 9

Storylet appears in Zenith


Speak to the Historiated Herder
Speak to the Historiated Herder of the Miser-Rites
Ask the Historiated Herder to speak of the Hollowed One
Present your Moon-Miser
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Moon-Miser Readiness exactly 7, The Lost Shepherd 20 ("Your Miser is not the only thing that must be readied. Aid the Shepherd with his questions, first.")



    Grace and favour


Hour: Ortus

Rouse your Miser
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with The Hour of the Illuminated exactly 1


    Challenge information

    Broad, Watchful 150 || 103 - very chancy (41%) || 128 - chancy (51%) || 153 - modest (61%) || 178 - very modest (71%) || 203 - low-risk (81%) || 228 - straightforward (91%) || 250 - straightforward (100%)


    Before even the cockerel

Ask Tatterdemalion to rouse your Miser instead

Hour: Vescors

Guide your Miser to the feeding-warrens

Hour: Lavares

Scrub your Miser's glim-carapace
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with The Hour of the Illuminated exactly 3


    Challenge information

    Narrow, Monstrous Anatomy 5 (50% base) || 1 and below - almost impossible (10%) || 2 - high-risk (20%) || 3 - high-risk (30%) || 4 - tough (40%) || 5 - very chancy (50%) || 6 - chancy (60%) || 7 - modest (70%) || 8 - very modest (80%) || 9 - low-risk (90%) || 10 and above - straightforward (100%)




Get the Last Duchess to do it instead

Hour: Mulgeres

Milk your Miser during the Hour of Mulgeres
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with The Hour of the Illuminated exactly 4


    Challenge information

    Narrow, Kataleptic Toxicology 5 (50% base) || 1 and below - almost impossible (10%) || 2 - high-risk (20%) || 3 - high-risk (30%) || 4 - tough (40%) || 5 - very chancy (50%) || 6 - chancy (60%) || 7 - modest (70%) || 8 - very modest (80%) || 9 - low-risk (90%) || 10 and above - straightforward (100%)




Suggest Summer do it instead

Hour: Fulgents

Direct straggling Misers to propitious perches
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with The Hour of the Illuminated exactly 5


    Challenge information

    Narrow, Zeefaring 5 (50% base) || 1 and below - almost impossible (10%) || 2 - high-risk (20%) || 3 - high-risk (30%) || 4 - tough (40%) || 5 - very chancy (50%) || 6 - chancy (60%) || 7 - modest (70%) || 8 - very modest (80%) || 9 - low-risk (90%) || 10 and above - straightforward (100%)




Hand the task to the Forlorn Shepherd

Hour: Sopios

Return to the Stoae of Sleep