Template:Calculator/WIP Experiment Length RpA iteration1

From Fallen London Wiki

Form New Hypotheses best option - 18

Research from Options:
Card Option Research per Action Optimal?
Form New Hypotheses
Review the possibilities 13 LR
Consider every possibility 22  LR
No more of this! 15  LR
Review the Prior Literature
Read the canonical texts; make pertinent notes 12  LR
Chase down every last citation 22  LR
Gather some unofficial literature 22  LR $
Relate this problem to a past Enigma 270  Laboratory Research $$$
No more of this! 15  LR
Engage in some Empirical Research
Perform a comparatively simple experiment 18  LR
Hook up all the meters and stand well back 20  LR
Refresh your Consumables
Work through a trusted intermediary 23  LR
Rely on illicit contacts 14  LR
Demand a delivery / Allow your possessions to propagate on your own / Appropriate whatever you need 30  LR
Unorthodox Methods
Use what you know of the Red Science Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  LR
Perform an experiment in Parabola Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  LR
Rearrange your brain around the problem Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  LR
Adopt a better frame of mind Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  LR
The Intrusion of a Thought
Any option 17 - 102  LR ✓✓✓
Invoke the Long-Dead Priests
Phobophagic rites 20  LR
Directing your Team
Put them to work examining data 33  LR
Give them a line of inquiry to follow up on 29  LR
Coordinate a plan of research (No ) 20  LR
Coordinate a plan of research ( ) 23  LR
Give them a day off 15  LR
Take a day off 22  LR
Make a profound realisation 39  LR
Involve Your Secret College
Write to your Secret College for help 22 LR
Broaden your research 20  LR
Write Up Your Findings
Circulate a draft of your findings 46  LR
Organise your notes 23  LR
Running out of Steam
Go for a walk 28  LR
Brew another pot of tea 19  LR
Take an extended sabbatical 39  LR
Running out of Terms
Pull another alphabet off the shelf 15  LR
Combine Greek and Latin 33  LR
Rely on your Esurient Smith
See whether he has anything to offer 12  LR
Apply his particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Rely on his knowledge 29  LR
Have him collaborate with Lettice 30  LR
Have him supervise the Profound Student 26  LR
Rely on F.F. Gebrandt
Get her opinion on your research 12  LR
Apply her particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Rely on her knowledge of chemistry 29  LR
Let F.F. Gebrandt employ your Profound Student 26  LR
Rely on Cora Bagley
See whether she has anything to offer (Cora) 12  LR
Apply her particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Rely on her knowledge of numbers 29  LR
Have Cora supervise your Visionary Student 26  LR
Rely on April
Ask her to help with ordinary research 12  LR
Apply a particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Ask her to help with research into the Red Science 29  LR
Have her supervise the Profound Student 26  LR
Have her and Lettice work together 25  LR
Rely on the Numismatrix
Ask her to help with ordinary research 12  LR
Apply her particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Ask her to help with unusual research 26  LR
Ask for her special expertise on this project 29  LR
Rely on Hephaesta
Seek her research opinion 12  LR
Apply a particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Seek her insight on nautical matters / charting of geology and bone strata 29  LR
Seek her insight on maps 29  LR
Have Hephaesta supervise your Visionary Student 26  LR
Rely on Lettice, the Mercy
Ask her to help with ordinary research 12  LR
Apply her particular expertise in a novel way 24  LR
Have her supervise the Gifted Student 26  LR
Work with your Shifty Student
Work with your Expert Student 13  LR
Encourage your student to work with his colleagues 15  LR
Work with your Meticulous Student
Work with your expert student 16  LR
Follow up a hunch with your student 22  LR
Employ her help in tabulating some data 19  LR
Work with your Gifted Student
Work with your expert student 19  LR
Follow up a hunch with your student 30  LR
Work with your Profound Student
Work with your expert student 21  LR
Follow up a hunch with your student 33  LR
Work with your Visionary Student
Work with your expert student 22  LR
Follow up a hunch with your student 32  LR
Leave your student to their own devices 27  LR
Draw on your Knowledge of the Red Science
Formulate a theory 23  LR
Resolve a paradox 22  LR
Contemplate your Impossible Theorem 22  LR
Contemplate your Element of Dawn 18  LR
Study the Blueprint for a Seal of Red Science / Recall the Blueprint for a Seal of Red Science 22  LR
Draw on your Knowledge of the Shapeling Arts
Extract regretful shapes from a Fluke-Core 33  LR
Meditate on your present shape 23  LR
Explore a divergent form 25  LR
Draw on your Knowledge of Poisons
Dose yourself 27  LR
Understand the toxins swimming in your veins 27  LR
Use what you know of the Second City 25  LR $
Use your Cantigaster Venom in the process of studying 34  LR
Dose somebody else 29  LR
Draw on your Knowledge of Monsters
Apply your understanding of monsters 29  LR
Meditate on what it means to be monstrous 34  LR
Feed your Acute Squirrel a sample 29  LR
Draw on your nautical knowledge
Examine your past charts and logs 29  LR
Get help from Hephaesta 34  LR
Recall a recent zee-voyage 34  LR $