The Devil and the Child

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
In your shortcut through the alleys you have blundered into the most private of exchanges: the trade of a soul. An elegant deviless leans against a lamp-post: an urchin perches at the top. The trade is almost concluded, but the urchin hesitates.

Unlocked with 5 x Favours: Hell, 5 x Favours: Urchins

Card drawn in Fallen London

Occurs with Very Infrequent Frequency (half as common as Standard)

Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.


Take the Devil's side
Convince the urchin to keep his soul
Propose an alliance

Conflict Cards Overview
- X
- X X
X -
- X X
- X
X X - X
- X
X X - X
- X X
X -
X - X
X X -
X X X -