A state of some confusion
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Menace Locations (Guide) |
Your nightmares have overcome you. You are as mad as a bright brass button. Everything around you is red and gold.
See Category:A state of some confusion for cards or storylets that are found in this place or location.
See Category:A state of some confusion Moves for actions that change player location to this location.
Unlocked with Nightmares 8
Neither the Bazaar nor any other market is accessible in this location.
Music: Veilgarden Last Call
- Card deck: Cards - A state of some confusion
- The deck in this location is limited to 6 cards (or 10 cards for Exceptional Friends).
- The hand size in this location is determined by your Lodgings.
- If you leave this location and come back later you will start with an empty hand.
Losing Your Mind[edit]
- You have lost your mind! is one of the possibilities whenever you reach Nightmares 8 in London