User:PSGarak/Fate Purchases

From Fallen London Wiki

List of small (<25) FATE purchases. Does not include Fate Stories, but for technical reasons does include a lot of individual actions that are functionally equivalent to them.

 Has fate costFrom messageHas restrictions
Unlock the snowy Veilgarden header (5 FATE)0an Action from Explore the Festive Season, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Unlock the snowy Ladybones Road header (5 FATE)0an Action from Explore the Festive Season, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Unlock the snowy Watchmaker's Hill header (5 FATE)0an Action from Explore the Festive Season, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Unlock a festive cameo frame (5 FATE)0an Action from Explore the Festive Season, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Unlock the snowy Spite header (5 FATE)0an Action from Explore the Festive Season, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Maybe she'll find it comforting (1 FATE)1an Action from Stealth watch repair, a Card in Watchmaker's HillFATE
Mr Hearts' Exotic Meats Counter (1 FATE)1an Action from The Bazaar's Emporium of Educational Curiosities, a Storylet in The Labyrinth of TigersFATE
An afternoon off (1 FATE)1an Action from Pursuing an Archaeological Expedition, a Storylet in Base-CampFATE
GOAT OVER GOAT (1 FATE)1an Action from All fear the Overgoat!, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Explore its lair thoroughly before it returns (1 FATE)1an Action from A Rat in a Sewery Maze, a Storylet in Fallen LondonRETIRED FATE
A present for a friend (1 FATE)1an Action from Send a Message to a Contact, a Storylet in Your Social EngagementsFATE
Your Salon: invite the Captivating Princess as a guest of honour (1 FATE)1an Action from The Tower of Eyes: Behind Closed Doors at a Handsome Townhouse, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
A strand of zeeweed (1 FATE)1an Action from A Rat in a Sewery Maze, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
A spirifer? (2 FATE)2an Action from Rob a drunk, a Storylet in SpiteFATE
Ask for help with both scandal and nightmares (2 FATE)2an Action from Ask the Interpreter of Dreams about the fire sermon, a Card in Fallen LondonRETIRED FATE
Ask for help with suspicion and nightmares both (2 FATE)2an Action from Ask the Interpreter of Dreams about mirrors, a Card in Fallen LondonRETIRED FATE
Sinister Sprout (2 FATE)2an Action from FIND NEW STORIES: Chat with the Local Gossip, a Storylet in Your LodgingsFATE
Dance with an acquaintance (2 FATE)2an Action from A masked revel for the Feast of the Rose!, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE FEAST OF THE ROSE
Enough! (2 FATE)2an Action from Day 78, Stars Barely Remembered, a Storylet in Iron Republic StreetsFATE
Poking about (2 FATE)2an Action from Day 8, Looking Back for Ever, a Storylet in Iron Republic StreetsFATE
The pleasure of your delicious company (2 FATE)2an Action from Invited to another revel of the Masters, a Storylet in The Singing MandrakeFATE
Attend in style (2 FATE)2an Action from Dance with a Devil, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Ask her to play singles with you (2 FATE)2an Action from A game of croquet, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Partake of Mr Wines' hospitality (2 FATE)2an Action from A masked revel for the Feast of the Rose!, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE FEAST OF THE ROSE
Bribe the maître d' (2 FATE)2an Action from Secure a table at Dante's Grill, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE FEAST OF THE ROSE
Insist on a little luxury (2 FATE)2an Action from A night at the opera!, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Reciprocate (2 FATE)2an Action from An elaborate gift, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Make sure everyone sees it (2 FATE)2an Action from Brag about your social standing, an Item in your inventoryRETIRED FATE
Books and papers (3 FATE)3an Action from Burgle a grand residence, a Storylet in SpiteFATE
An assignation in the garden with a friend (3 FATE)3an Action from A masked revel for the Feast of the Rose!, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE FEAST OF THE ROSE
A secret road (3 FATE)3an Action from The Ways of the Flit, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
I will speak to the stars (3 FATE)3an Action from A single-minded gentleman, a Card in A state of some confusionFATE
I will introduce them to the thunder! (3 FATE)3an Action from A dream about a familiar face, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
I command the pale fire! (3 FATE)3an Action from A dream about a will o' the wisp, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
I will embrace the storm! (3 FATE)3an Action from A dream about the hold of a ship in a storm, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Contract: a Miniature Menace (3 FATE)3an Action from The Department of Menace Eradication, a Storylet in Dept. of Menace EradicationFATE
Rely on luck. Or destiny. (3 FATE)3an Action from Searching the heap of souls, a Storylet in Mrs Plenty's CarnivalLEGACY RETIRED FATE
A light in the darkness. (3 FATE)3an Action from An unusual itch, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Make absolutely sure Jasper and Frank won't be disappointed (3 FATE)3an Action from A Business Errand for Lyme, a Storylet in Mahogany HallFATE
I will call the lightning down upon them! (3 FATE)3an Action from A plan occurs, a Card in A state of some confusionFATE
A stroke of luck! (3 FATE)3an Action from A day at the races, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
Cultivate some rodent acquaintances (3 FATE)3an Action from Carnage on the street, a Storylet in Your LodgingsFATE
A glass of the good port (3 FATE)3an Action from Visit your acquaintance, the Wry Functionary, a Storylet in Fallen LondonFATE
Arrange for the retrieval of the Whisper-Locked Sea-Chest (3 FATE)3an Action from Send a Message to a Contact, a Storylet in Your Social EngagementsFATE
Staying here (3 FATE)3an Action from A Day for Reading, a Storylet in Iron Republic StreetsFATE
Choose a tiger (3 FATE)3an Action from A dream about a stable, a Card in Fallen LondonFATE
The door in the wall! (3 FATE)3an Action from A Moment of Safety, a Card in On a HeistFATE
A sure thing (3 FATE)3an Action from Jack-of-Smiles has expanded his interests 3, a Storylet in Watchmaker's HillFATE
Have this statue removed (3 FATE)3an Action from Under the Statue at Station VIII, a Card in Station VIIIFATE
The mains valve! (3 FATE)3an Action from Consider the Lights, a Card in On a HeistFATE
... further results