Assembling a Skeleton (Guide)/Bones

From Fallen London Wiki
World Qualities:
Preferred Quality:
Preferred Type:
Occasional Buyer:
An Enthusiast in Skulls
Diplomat's Fascination:
Reptile Skeletons
Reference Tables:


Torsos Penny Value Torso Style Open Slots Attributes & Notes
Headless Skeleton 250  10 1 x Skulls Needed 2 x Arms
2 x Legs
Supply a skeleton of your own 250  10 1 x Skulls Needed Licentiates only.
2 x Arms
2 x Legs
Human Ribcage 1250  15 4 x Limbs Needed
1 x Skulls Needed
Thorned Ribcage 1250  20 1 x Skulls Needed
4 x Limbs Needed
1 x Tails Needed
1 x Menace
1 x Amalgamy
Skeleton with Seven Necks 6250  30 7 x Skulls Needed
2 x Limbs Needed
2 x Legs
1 x Menace
2 x Amalgamy
Flourishing Ribcage 1250  40 6 x Limbs Needed
2 x Skulls Needed
1 x Tails Needed
2 x Amalgamy
Segmented Ribcage 250  45 1 x Skulls Needed
2 x Limbs Needed
1 x Tails Needed
1 x Skeleton: Number of Segments
Mammoth Ribcage 6250  50 1 x Skulls Needed
4 x Limbs Needed
1 x Tails Needed
2 x Antiquity
Requires Your Own Stall 3
Glim-Encrusted Carapace 6000  55 1 x Skulls Needed
8 x Limbs Needed
1 x Amalgamy
Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines 31250  60 8 x Skulls Needed
4 x Limbs Needed
1 x Tails Needed
2 x Menace
1 x Amalgamy
Leviathan Frame 31250  70 1 x Skulls Needed
2 x Limbs Needed
1 x Tails
1 x Antiquity
1 x Menace
Requires Your Own Stall 5
Prismatic Frame 31250  80 3 x Skulls Needed
3 x Limbs Needed
3 x Tails Needed
2 x Antiquity
2 x Amalgamy
Requires Your Own Stall 3
Five-Pointed Ribcage 31250  100 5 x Skulls Needed
5 x Limbs Needed
2 x Amalgamy
1 x Menace


Skulls Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes & Notes
Cap this with a victim's skull 250  N/A Licentiates only.
Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory 250  Mithridacy
Reduced by 1 per Skull installed.
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility

Reduces Skulls Needed, but does not count as an actual skull.

Rubbery Skull 600  Shapeling Arts 1 x Amalgamy
Horned Skull 1250  Monstrous Anatomy 1 x Antiquity
1-2 x Menace
Pentagrammic Skull 1250  Monstrous Anatomy FATE
1-2 x Amalgamy
1 x Menace
Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist 1250  Artisan of the Red Science 1 x Support for a Counter-church Theology
Also costs 10 x Peppercaps and 500 x Fragments.
Skull in Coral 1750  Shapeling Arts
Every point of Amalgamy reduces difficulty by 5
1-2 x Amalgamy
0-1 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Also costs 1 x Knob of Scintillack.
Plated Skull 2500  Monstrous Anatomy 1-2 x Menace
Eyeless Skull 3000  Monstrous Anatomy 1 x Menace
0 or 5 CP Nightmares
Doubled Skull 6250  Monstrous Anatomy 1-2 x Antiquity
1 x Amalgamy

Adds 2 Skulls while only using one Skull Slot.

Sabre-toothed Skull 6250  Monstrous Anatomy 1 x Antiquity
0-1 x Menace
Bright Brass Skull 6000-6500  Mithridacy 2-6 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Also costs 200 x Brass on success.
Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake 6500  Artisan of the Red Science Ambition: Bag a Legend!
3 x Menace
Also costs 6000 x Fragments
A Custom-Engraved Skull 10000  Mithridacy FEAST OF THE ROSE
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
2 x Bone Market Exhaustion
Your Own Severed Head -250  Artisan of the Red Science SMEN
Also costs 1000 x Fragments
Segmented Ribcage 250  N/A 4 x Skeleton: Limbs Needed
1 x Skeleton: Number of Segments
Requires: Skeleton: Torso Style exactly 45
Also reduces Skeleton: Skulls Needed without counting as a skull.


Arms Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes
Crustacean Pincer N/A 1 x Menace
Knotted Humerus 10/300  Mithridacy
Difficulty is 6 + Legs + Fins
1 x Amalgamy
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Human Arm 250  N/A -1 x Menace
Fossilised Forelimb 2750  11 Monstrous Anatomy 1-2 x Antiquity
Ivory Humerus 1500  Kataleptic Toxicology 0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility


Legs Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes
Femur of a Surface Deer 10  N/A -1 x Menace
Unidentified Thigh Bone 100  N/A N/A
Femur of a Jurassic Beast 300  Mithridacy
Difficulty increases with 2 for every Fin and Tentacle
1 x Antiquity
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Helical Thighbone 300  Shapeling Arts 1-2 x Amalgamy
Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre 1250  Mithridacy
Difficulty varies with Torso Style
0-7 x Support for a Counter-church Theology, depending on which Torso (see here)
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Ivory Femur 6500   Monstrous Anatomy 0-4 x Self-Evident Implausibility

Wings, Fins, Tentacle[edit]

Wings Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes
Bat Wing Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for every fin
-1 x Menace
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Wing of a Young Terror Bird 250  Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for every fin
1 x Antiquity
1 x Menace
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Albatross Wing 1250  Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for every fin and tentacle.
1 x Amalgamy
0-2? x Self-Evident Implausibility
Fins Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes
Fin Bones, Collected 50  Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for each non-fin limb
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Amber-Crusted Fin 1500  Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for each non-fin limb
0-1 x Menace
1 x Amalgamy
0-2? x Self-Evident Implausibility
Tentacles Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes
Withered Tentacle 50/250  Monstrous Anatomy
Difficulty increases by 2 for each non-tentacle limb
-1 x Antiquity
0-1 x Self-Evident Implausibility


Tails Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes & Notes
No tail N/A N/A Removes Tails Needed entirely.
Jet Black Stinger 50  Monstrous Anatomy 1-2 x Menace
Obsidian Chitin Tail 500  Monstrous Anatomy 0-1 x Amalgamy
Plaster Tail Bones 250  Mithridacy 1-4 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Tomb-Lion's Tail 250  Monstrous Anatomy 0-1 x Antiquity
Withered Tentacle 50-250  Monstrous Anatomy -1 x Antiquity
0-2 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Segmented Ribcage 250  N/A 2 x Skeleton: Limbs Needed
1 x Skeleton: Number of Segments
Requires: Skeleton: Torso Style exactly 110
Costs: (50 * Segments3) x Nevercold Brass Sliver
Note: will still require a tail.

Modify a Skeleton[edit]

Modify a Skeleton Penny Value Base Challenge Attributes & Notes
Add four more joints to your skeleton N/A Shapeling Arts 4 x Limbs Needed
2 x Amalgamy
Costs 1 x Nodule of Trembling Amber and an amount of Nodule of Warm Amber equal to 25 × Joints2; the number of used and unused joints your skeleton currently has.
Remove the tail from your Skeleton N/A Requires Ravenglass Knife
-1 x Tails
Removes the tail, but not the attributes it added. Could let you declare the skeleton as an animal without a tail.
Carve away some evidence of age N/A Mithridacy Requires Scrimshander Carving Knife
-2 x Antiquity
0-1 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Make your skeleton less dreadful N/A Kataleptic Toxicology Requires Patent Osteological Sand and Wax
-2 x Menace
0-1 x Self-Evident Implausibility
Disguise the amalgamy of this piece N/A Kataleptic Toxicology Requires Lithification Liquid
Costs 25 x Jade Fragment
-2 x Amalgamy
0-1 x Self-Evident Implausibility