Assembling a Skeleton (Guide)/Buyers

From Fallen London Wiki
World Qualities:
Preferred Quality:
Preferred Type:
Occasional Buyer:
An Enthusiast in Skulls
Diplomat's Fascination:
Bird Skeletons
Reference Tables:

Buyers that are always accessible[edit]

Buyers Purchasing Skeletons
Buyer Requires Primary Reward Division Factor for Value and bonus Secondary Reward Scaling of Secondary Reward [1]
A Palaeontologist with Hoarding Propensities N/A Bone Fragments
  • +5
Unearthly Fossil Always 2 40
A Naive Collector < 4  Thirsty Bombazine Scrap 250  25
A Familiar Bohemian Sculptress
Preserved Surface Blooms
  • 250 
  • +4
Rumour of the Upper River Support for a Counter-church Theology 50
A Pedagogically Inclined Grandmother
Incisive Observation
  • 50 
  • +20
A Theologian of the Old School
Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits
  • 250 
  • +4
An Enthusiast of the Ancient World
  • 3+ 
  • 1+ 
Bessemer Steel Ingot 50  Unprovenanced Artefact Antiquity 45
Mrs Plenty
  • 3+ 
  • 1+ 
Hinterland Scrip 50  Basket of Rubbery Pies Menace 45
A Tentacled Servant
  • 3+ 
  • 1+ 
Nightsoil of the Bazaar
  • 50 
  • +5
Ambiguous Eolith 5 * Amalgamy 45
An Investment-Minded Ambassador
  • 15+ 
  • < 4 
  • 1+ 
Memory of Light
  • 50 
  • +5
Tailfeather Brilliant as Flame 0.8* Antiquity2 (Rounded) 75
A Teller of Terrors
  • 15+ 
  • 1+ 
  • < 4 
  • 10 
  • +25
Royal-Blue Feather 4* Menace2 75
A Tentacled Entrepreneur
  • 15+ 
  • 1+ 
  • < 4 
Memory of Distant Shores
  • 50 
  • +5
Final Breath 4* Amalgamy2 75
An Author of Gothic Tales
  • 7+ 
  • 7+ 
  • 1+ 
  • 1+ 
  • < 4 
Hinterland Scrip
  • 50 
  • +5
Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory Antiquity * Menace 75
A Zailor with Particular Interests
  • 7+ 
  • 7+ 
  • 1+ 
  • 1+ 
  • < 4 
Nodule of Warm Amber
  • 10 
  • +25
Knob of Scintillack Antiquity * Amalgamy 75
A Rubbery Collector
  • 7+ 
  • 7+ 
  • 1+ 
  • 1+ 
  • < 4 
Nightsoil of the Bazaar
  • 50 
  • +5
Basket of Rubbery Pies Menace * Amalgamy 75
A Constable 110-119  (Humanoid) Hinterland Scrip
  • 50 
  • +20
The Dumbwaiter of Balmoral 180-189 


An Identity Uncovered! 250  0
The Carpenter's Granddaughter 1 x Leviathan Frame - 100

Buyers only available with certain World Qualities[edit]

Buyers Purchasing Skeletons
Buyer Requires Primary Reward Division Factor for Value and bonus Secondary Reward Scaling of Secondary Reward [1]
An Enthusiast in Skulls Piece of Rostygold Vital Intelligence ( Skull-1)1.8 60
A Dreary Midnighter Fistful of Surface Currency
  • +100
Vienna Opening Always 1 100
An Ingenuous Malacologist Preserved Surface Blooms
  • 250 
  • +1
Volume of Collated Research (( Tentacles)2.2)/5 60
An Enterprising Boot Salesman Whisper-Satin Scrap 50  Ostentatious Diamond Legs2.2 0
A Colourful Phantasist Hinterland Scrip 50  Slim Volume of Bazaarine Poetry ( Skeleton: Self-Evident Implausibility * Skeleton: Amalgamy) + 1 0
Solacefruit 50  Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory ( Skeleton: Self-Evident Implausibility * Skeleton: Menace) + 1 0
Memory of Light 50  Knob of Scintillack ( Skeleton: Self-Evident Implausibility * Skeleton: Antiquity ) + 1 0
The following options are located in The Copper Quarter
The Trifling Diplomat Assortment of Khaganian Coinage
  • 50 
  • +1
Compromising Document 0
Assortment of Khaganian Coinage
  • 50 
  • +1
Compromising Document [1/3 × ( Amalgamy + Menace + Antiquity)]2.2 0
Assortment of Khaganian Coinage
  • 50 
  • +1
Compromising Document [1/3 × ( Amalgamy + Menace + Antiquity)]2.2 0
  1. 1.0 1.1 Denotes how hard it is to sell implausible skeletons

Buyers purchasing other things[edit]

Buyers Purchasing Other Things
Buyer Requires Sold Item Reward
A Palaeontologist with Hoarding Propensities N/A 1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast 250 x Bone Fragments (Rare: 1 x Devilbone Die)
1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre 1250 x Bone Fragments
A Naive Collector < 4  1 x Femur of a Surface Deer 1 x Thirsty Bombazine Scrap
A Familiar Bohemian Sculptress 1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre 6 x Preserved Surface Blooms
1 x Parabolan Orange-apple 1 x Ivory Humerus
3 x Parabolan Orange-apple

750 x Bone Fragments

1 x Ivory Femur
Requires A Crooked Cross

Persuasive check

1 x Rumour of the Upper River
A Pedagogically Inclined Grandmother Persuasive check 2 x Unidentified Thigh Bone (Rare: 3)
1 x Human Ribcage 30 x Incisive Observation
1 x Albatross Wing 30 x Incisive Observation
A Theologian of the Old School Persuasive check 1 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits
1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre 6 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits
An Enthusiast of the Ancient World 3+  5 x Survey of the Neath's Bones 10 x Final Breath
120-125 x Hinterland Scrip 1 x Sabre-toothed Skull
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast 10 x Bessemer Steel Ingot

1 x Aged Egg, Untreated

10 x Bessemer Steel Ingot
Mrs Plenty 3+  Persuasive check 1 x Basket of Rubbery Pies
1 x Thorned Ribcage 5 x Basket of Rubbery Pies
A Tentacled Servant 3+  Persuasive check 2 x Ambiguous Eolith
1 x Slim Volume of Bazaarine Poetry 7 x Nightsoil of the Bazaar
1 x Nodule of Pulsating Amber 130 x Nightsoil of the Bazaar

1 x Rubbery Skull

125 x Nightsoil of the Bazaar
An Investment-Minded Ambassador 15+  1 x Weasel of Social Discomfiture 2 x Moves in the Great Game
1 x Epaulette Mate

Shadowy check

Success: 500 x Fistful of Surface Currency, 1 x Vital Intelligence, 1 x Tailfeather Brilliant as Flame

Rare Success: 1500 x Fistful of Surface Currency, 1 x Vital Intelligence, 1 x Tailfeather Brilliant as Flame
Failure: 750 x Fistful of Surface Currency

A Teller of Terrors 15+  Monstrous Anatomy check 1 x Preserved Surface Blooms
1 x Possessed Goldfish 2 x Preserved Surface Blooms, 1 x Royal-Blue Feather
A Tentacled Entrepreneur 15+  1 x Viric Lizard 1 x Rumour of the Upper River
An Author of Gothic Tales 7+ 
Kataleptic Toxicology check 4 x Hinterland Scrip, 1 x First City Coin
1 x Viric Frock 450 x Hinterland Scrip, 10 x First City Coin

1 x Percipient Egg, Untreated

10 x Hinterland Scrip
A Zailor with Particular Interests 7+ 
1 x Forty-Nine-Voiced Warbler 100 x Nodule of Warm Amber, 1 x Knob of Scintillack

1 x Pelagic Egg, Untreated

50 x Nodule of Warm Amber
A Rubbery Collector 7+ 
1 x Viric Suit 460 x Nightsoil of the Bazaar

1 x Scarlet Egg, Untreated

10 x Nightsoil of the Bazaar

Other Uses for Skeletons[edit]

Other Uses for Skeletons
Use Requires Reward
Uses which consume the skeleton
The Efficient Commissioner's Nightmare 8 x Skeleton: Arms,
Base Dangerous 206
25 x Maniac's Prayer, 5 x Trace of the First City, 1x Antique Mystery, Sets An Estimable Trophy to 3 if lower
Uses which do not consume the skeleton
Present a vision of Saint Aegidius the Less, Patron of Snails 3 x Counter-church Support Verse of Counter-Creed, Apostate's Psalm, and Palimpsest Scrap depending on Intensity
Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark scaling with Duration