Assembling a Skeleton (Guide)/Bone Sources

From Fallen London Wiki
World Qualities:
Preferred Quality:
Preferred Type:
Occasional Buyer:
A Dreary Midnighter
Diplomat's Fascination:
Skeleton: Menace
Reference Tables:

The tables below contain the majority of significant, grindable(!) bone sources. Some were omitted, being too niche or inconsequential.

The aim of these tables is to give a comprehensive overview of the different repeatable ways of getting each bone, to compare how to most easily get the bones you need. Ideally, there should be a calculation on the total action cost of each option, but that is a lot of calculations.


Torso Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Headless Skeleton Explore the riverbank in low tide (Bones in the River) Card in Wolfstack Docks

London Airs 0-25

Alternate success
Watchful check
1 x Headless Skeleton
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

1 x Human Ribcage

Mix Chuffy a hangover cure Card in London

The Young Stags' Club

Kataleptic Toxicology check 1 x Headless Skeleton
+2 CP Nightmares
Explore the riverbank in low tide Card in Ealing Gardens

Ealing Airs 0-25

Rare success
Watchful check
1 x Headless Skeleton
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

Regular success:

1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

Explore the Folly Marigold Station 1 x Headless Skeleton 1 action
Pay far too much for a Headless Skeleton The Bone Market 1000 x Jade Fragment 1 x Headless Skeleton
Human Ribcage A longer conversation with the Commissioner of Police The Shuttered Palace 5 x Favours: Constables 1 x Human Ribcage ~6 Actions[1]
Accept a share of the small crate stolen from the Bone Market Brawling with Dockers

The Bone Market

Taking Sides at a Brawl 1-9

Brawling with Dockers 40 1 x Human Ribcage

25 * ( Brawling with Dockers - 40) x Bone Fragments (1500 max)

Claim the small crate stolen from the Bone Market Brawling with Dockers

The Bone Market

Taking Sides at a Brawl 10

Brawling with Dockers 60 1 x Human Ribcage

2 x Human Arm

25 * ( Brawling with Dockers - 60) x Bone Fragments (2000 max)

Dig a little distance from the river Card in Ealing Gardens 15 x Survey of the Neath's Bones 1 x Human Ribcage

1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Human Arm

Dig near Ealing Gardens Ealing Gardens 1 x Strong-Backed Labour
50 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
1 x Human Ribcage
2-4 x Helical Thighbone
2-3 x Knotted Humerus
253-382(?) x Bone Fragments
Explore the riverbank in low tide (Bones in the River) Card in Wolfstack Docks

London Airs 0-25

Alternate success
Watchful check
1 x Human Ribcage

1 x Headless Skeleton
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

Invest extravagantly in a Human Ribcage The Bone Market 3000 x Jade Fragment 1 x Human Ribcage
Charter a barge to the Octagonal Tomb Jericho Locks

A Member of the Gondoliers: Doctore

6 x Esteem of the Guild 2 x Human Ribcage
1 x Night-Whisper
15-20 x Tale of Terror!!
15 x Final Breath
The burial-place of First City caravaners Various Upper River cards or storylets 3 x Palaeontological Discovery 2 x Human Ribcage
4 x Human Arm
5 x Trace of the First City
A Grinning Villain Jericho Locks

Railway 80

4 x Favours: Criminals 500 x Bone Fragments

1 x Human Arm

Thorned Ribcage Dig near the Magistracy of the Evenlode Ealing Gardens

Railway 70

1 x Strong-Backed Labour
75 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Horned Skull
3-4(?) x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
2-6(?) x Jet Black Stinger
6-18(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
Report a sighting of a Fox Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Fox 1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Doubled Skull
2 x Knotted Humerus
Return to your Base-Camp 1 Parabolan Base-Camp Rare success 1 x Thorned Ribcage
Search the undergrowth Parabolan Base-Camp

Iron-Toothed Terror Bird

1 x Thorned Ribcage
Two thorned ribcages Various Upper River cards or storylets 2 x Palaeontological Discovery 2 x Thorned Ribcage
A Glabrous Nymph Jericho Locks

Railway 130

4 x Favours: Hell 2 x Thorned Ribcage

1 x Queer Soul

Complete your research in the shaping of bones University Laboratory 1 x Human Ribcage

1 x Human Arm
100 x Nodule of Deep Amber
550 x Laboratory Research

1 x Thorned Ribcage

1 x Knotted Humerus
2 x Withered Tentacle
2 x Nodule of Trembling Amber
2150 x Bone Fragments

Flourishing Ribcage Create a Flourishing Ribcage Helicon House

Discovered: Below-Stairs

1 x Human Ribcage
1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Flourishing Ribcage
Trade Favours for Bones Burrow-Infra-Mump

Statue to a Custom-Made Saint
Connected: Benthic 20

Luck: 50% chance
70 or 60 CP Connected: Benthic
50%: 1 x Flourishing Ribcage

50%: 1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Helical Thighbone
Rare: 1 x Prismatic Frame
-200 CP Connected: Benthic

An Invertebrate Factor Jericho Locks 4 x Favours: Rubbery Men 2 x Flourishing Ribcage

1 x Basket of Rubbery Pies

In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Skeleton with Seven Necks Try the Betrayer of Measures on Warbler Skeleton University Laboratory

Betrayer of Measures

1 x Warbler Skeleton
1000 x Nevercold Brass Sliver
425 x Laboratory Research
1 x Skeleton with Seven Necks
Report a sighting of Grouse Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Grouse 1 x Skeleton with Seven Necks
3 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird
200 x Bone Fragments
(Possibly Moonlit)
12 actions without travel time.
Costs 8 x Collated Research.
Unveil your (Incendiary) Painting Paint in Balmoral, sell in London Completed Painting
Painting: Incendiary 4
1 x Skeleton with Seven Necks
1 x Silent Soul
2 x Thirsty Bombazine Scrap
Mammoth Ribcage A mammoth ribcage Various Upper River cards or storylets 5 x Palaeontological Discovery 1 x Mammoth Ribcage
Try the Betrayer of Measures on a human ribcage University Laboratory

Betrayer of Measures

1 x Human Ribcage
425 x Laboratory Research
1 x Mammoth Ribcage
Report a sighting of Red Deer Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Red Deer 1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
1 x Mammoth Ribcage
2 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
400 x Bone Fragments
Some Moonlit
Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines Create a Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines Helicon House

Discovered: Below-Stairs

1 x Skeleton with Seven Necks
1 x Thorned Ribcage
3 x Searing Enigma
3 x Nodule of Trembling Amber
1 x Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines
Leviathan Frame Impress her with your own constructions Card in London

Familiarity with the Carpenter's Granddaughter

Finished Skeleton with
30000 Value
1 x Leviathan Frame
The torso of a Leviathan! Various Upper River cards or storylets 25 x Palaeontological Discovery 1 x Leviathan Frame
The huge fossil ribcage The Gamekeeper's Cottage, Renovated 1 x Leviathan Frame 66 actions per Frame, win or lose
Prismatic Frame Lead an expedition to the strangest point on the horizon Card in Station VIII 1 x Oil of Companionship
98 x Rumour of the Upper River
1 x Prismatic Frame
Con a Palaeontological Yank Card in A hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral Casing... 10

Cover Identity 80, 10, 5, 5

Balmoral: Darkness 4

1 x Prismatic Frame
Trade Favours for Bones Burrow-Infra-Mump

Statue to a Custom-Made Saint
Connected: Benthic 20

Rare success
200 CP Connected: Benthic
1 x Prismatic Frame

Regular 50%:
1 x Flourishing Ribcage
-70 CP Connected: Benthic
Regular 50%:
1 x Helical Thighbone
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
-60 CP Connected: Benthic

Five-Pointed Ribcage FATE
1 x Cartographer's Hoard 1 x Five-Pointed Ribcage 9 Actions per ribcage
Segmented Ribcage Claim something that no-one was looking for Port Cecil

Deed to a Port Cecil Business

1 x Lost Research Assistant
3 x Segmented Ribcage
14 actions; requires getting a tie
Glim-Encrusted Carapace The Flexile Peddler Hallow's Throat 3000 x Stuiver 1 x Glim-Encrusted Carapace
Return with one of the carcasses The Stacks

Apocrypha Sought: 202

1 x Glim-Encrusted Carapace
495 x Tantalising Possibility
400 x Shard of Glim
Requires more than 20 actions to acquire
  1. It is possible to get the favours several ways, sometimes costing, or giving, resources. But most cards give one favour per action, making 6 the generalised action cost.


Skull Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory Sell to an Author of Gothic Tales (Skeleton) The Bone Market

Respectable 7
Dreaded 7
Exhaustion < 4

Finished Skeleton ( Antiquity × Menace) x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
( Value + 5) x Hinterland Scrip
( Antiquity × Menace / 20) x Exhaustion
Net whatever is in the river Card in Jericho Locks

Jericho Airs 26-100

Alternate success 1 x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Deep-zee Catch

2 x Withered Tentacle
1 x Deep-zee Catch

Reach towards the shore 2 The Waswood

Airs of Parabola 50-100

Luck: 50% chance
50%: Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Unprovenanced Artefact

25%(?): 3 x Relic of the Second City
25%(?): 3 x Relic of the Fourth City
1 x Royal-Blue Feather
Rare: 1 x Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise

Graduate the Meticulous Student University Laboratory Laboratory Services from a Meticulous Student 5 Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Teaching Reputation of Your Laboratory
Fund revolutionary research The Temple Club 300 x Foxfire Candle Stub Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
+3 CP Advancing the Liberation of Night:
Rubbery Skull FATE
Flute Street
Flute Street Only if not already possessing such a skull. A minimum of 30 actions.
Horned Skull A skull of Bullbone, borrowed Bullbone Island 20 x Survey of the Neath's Bones 1 x Horned Skull
The bones of Bullbone Bullbone Island Alternate success 1 x Horned Skull
4 x Page of Cryptopalaeontological Notes

12 x Page of Cryptopalaeontological Notes

Dig near the Magistracy of the Evenlode Ealing Gardens

Involved in a Railway Venture 70

1 x Strong-Backed Labour
75 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
1 x Horned Skull
1 x Thorned Ribcage
3-4(?) x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
2-6(?) x Jet Black Stinger
6-18(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
Duplicate the skull of an Aurochs Ealing Gardens

Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 2
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

1000 x Bone Fragments
5 x Nodule of Warm Amber
1 x Horned Skull
The rest of a long-gone ox Various Upper River cards or storylets 1 x Palaeontological Discovery 1 x Horned Skull
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Pentagrammic Skull FATE
1 x Pentagrammic Skull
1900 x Bone Fragments
9 Actions per skull
Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist Duplicate the skull of John the Baptist, if you can call that a skull The Bone Market

Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist
Device for the Duplication of Bones

500 x Bone Fragments
10 x Hand-picked Peppercaps
Skull in Coral Charter a barge to the Persephone Jericho Locks

A Member of the Gondoliers: Doctore

3 x Esteem of the Guild 1-2 x Skull in Coral
10 x Fin Bones, Collected
1-10 x Unprovenanced Artefact
50 x Moonlight Scales
Plated Skull Duplicate the skull of a Plated Seal Ealing Gardens

Plated Seal
Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 3
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

1750 x Bone Fragments
25 x Nodule of Warm Amber
1 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits
1 x Plated Skull
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Eyeless Skull Wander the Quarter The Forgotten Quarter

The Airs of the Forgotten Quarter 21-40

Rare success 1 x Eyeless Skull

1-24 x Relic of the Fourth City

See the sights The Forgotten Quarter

The Airs of the Forgotten Quarter 61-70

Rare Success 1 x Eyeless Skull
+3 CP Nightmares

6 x Appalling Secret
+1 CP Nightmares

A Shrine of the Deep Blue Heaven Base-Camp

Archaeologist 2

Rare Success
Archaeologist's Progress 20
1 x Eyeless Skull
1 x Extraordinary Implication
100 x Whispered Hint

Unpredictable Treasures

The Eyeless Skull The Rat Market

The Rat-Season: Lying-Longing, Candle-Canker or Wink-and-Wane

625 x Rat-Shilling 1 x Eyeless Skull
Panoptical Skull Soak an Eyeless Skull in violant Zenith

A Trading Post at Zenith 3

1 x Eyeless Skull 1 x Panoptical Skull
Doubled Skull Report a sighting of a Fox Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Fox 1 x Doubled Skull
1 x Thorned Ribcage
2 x Knotted Humerus
Study the shape of her skull Station VIII

Furnace Ancona's Wounds 4-5
Device for the Duplication of Bones

5000 x Bone Fragments
100 x Nodule of Warm Amber
1 x Doubled Skull There is a very similar branch, but using it locks off this option.
Sabre-toothed Skull A sabre-toothed skull Various Upper River cards or storylets 5 x Palaeontological Discovery 1 x Sabre-toothed Skull
Buy a Sabre-toothed Skull off him The Bone Market

Respectable 3

120-125 x Hinterland Scrip 1 x Sabre-toothed Skull
Take the skull off a Somnolent Hyaena Ealing Gardens

Somnolent Hyaena
Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 2
No Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

5750 x Penny
Somnolent Hyaena
1 x Sabre-toothed Skull
-1 CP In the Company of Monsters)
Duplicate the skull of a Somnolent Hyaena Ealing Gardens

Somnolent Hyaena
Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 2
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

4900 x Bone Fragments
125 x Nodule of Warm Amber
1 x Sabre-toothed Skull
(Possibly 1 x Femur of a Surface Deer or 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone)
Bright Brass Skull Merrigans Exchange The Echo Bazaar! E 62.5 1 x Bright Brass Skull
Hand over a cartload of scraps for a Bright Brass Skull Card in London

Persuasive 150

160 x Certifiable Scrap 1 x Bright Brass Skull
Charter a barge to the Cedarwood Jericho Locks

A Member of the Gondoliers: Doctore

6 x Esteem of the Guild 1 x Bright Brass Skull
1-10 x Extraordinary Implication
2-3 x Verse of Counter-Creed
The Sanctuary of the Crimson Petals 2 Base-Camp

Archaeologist 2

Archaeologist's Progress 40 2 x Bright Brass Skull
1 x Portfolio of Souls

Rare: 3 x Night-Whisper

Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake Duplicate the Vake's skull and use it to decorate your (Skeleton Type) The Bone Market

Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake
Device for the Duplication of Bones

6000 x Bone Fragments
A Custom-Engraved Skull FEAST OF THE ROSE
Send a Custom-Engraved Skull
London Acquaintance spends 200 x Inkling of Identity 1 x A Custom-Engraved Skull You have to be sent this skull from another player. But gifts can be retracted after sending before they are accepted, awarding you the skull in a process.
Your Own Severed Head Duplicate your own skull and affix it here The Bone Market

Your Own Severed Head
Device for the Duplication of Bones

1000 x Bone Fragments


Arm Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Crustacean Pincer Hail them and purchase a bag of assorted bones Card in The Salt Steppe 500 x Moon-Pearl
500 x Shard of Glim
1-5 x Crustacean Pincer
1-9 x Fin Bones, Collected
2-10 x Withered Tentacle
Take the pincers off a Deep-zee Catch Ealing Gardens

Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 3

Deep-zee Catch 2 x Crustacean Pincer
Knotted Humerus An amalgamous interment Various Upper River cards or storylets 2 x Palaeontological Discovery 4 x Knotted Humerus
6 x Helical Thighbone
Dig near Ealing Gardens Ealing Gardens 1 x Strong-Backed Labour
50 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
2-3 x Knotted Humerus
2-4 x Helical Thighbone
1 x Human Ribcage
253-382(?) x Bone Fragments
Search an especially useful bit of shore Card in Wolfstack Docks 1 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
Watchful check
1 x Knotted Humerus

1 x Femur of a Surface Deer

Search the river's edge as the tide falls Card in Ealing Gardens

Ealing Airs 51-75

1 x Knotted Humerus
1-3 x Nodule of Warm Amber
Complete your research in the shaping of bones University Laboratory 1 x Human Ribcage

1 x Human Arm
100 x Nodule of Deep Amber
550 x Laboratory Research

1 x Thorned Ribcage

1 x Knotted Humerus
2 x Withered Tentacle
2 x Nodule of Trembling Amber
2150 x Bone Fragments

Human Arm Acquire human remains from the criminals The Flit 5 x Favours: Criminals 3 x Human Arm
Offer her a surgery 2 Viric Jungle

Vake Claw
Dangerous Gains 7

45 x Whisper-Satin Scrap 4 x Human Arm
1 x A Hunter's Instinct for Nightmares
Perform outreach for the church Burrow-Infra-Mump

Diocesan Church of Hell

1 x Human Arm
Spring for a bag of loose Arms The Bone Market 2000 x Jade Fragment 3 x Human Arm
Claim the small crate stolen from the Bone Market The Bone Market

Taking Sides at a Brawl 10

Brawling with Dockers 60 1 x Human Ribcage

2 x Human Arm

25 * ( Brawling with Dockers - 60) x Bone Fragments

The burial-place of First City caravaners Various Upper River cards or storylets 3 x Palaeontological Discovery 4 x Human Arm
2 x Human Ribcage
5 x Trace of the First City
Fossilised Forelimb Anning and Daughters Upper River Exchange 85 x Hinterland Scrip 1 x Fossilised Forelimb
Two fossilised forelimbs Various Upper River cards or storylets 4 x Palaeontological Discovery 2 x Fossilised Forelimb
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Ivory Humerus Inquire about her willingness to supply a forgery The Bone Market

Respectable 0

1 x Parabolan Orange-apple
Persuasive check
1 x Ivory Humerus
Call in favours from Bohemians Card in Ealing Gardens

Statue to Yourself, Poet-Laureate of the Neath

4 x Favours: Bohemians 2 x Ivory Humerus
50 x Romantic Notion
A Composed Composer Jericho Locks 4 x Favours: Bohemians 2 x Ivory Humerus
2 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird
Shift your organs out of the way Card when dealing with The Gloomy Guttersnipe Shapeling Arts 8 check 1 x Ivory Humerus Requires Slighting a friend


Leg Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Femur of a Surface Deer ...the Osteology Wing Plan a Heist 5 x Obsidian Chitin Tail
4 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
5 x Femur of a Surface Deer
Help yourself to some venison bones Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
Discovered: the Balmoral Dumbwaiter

25 x Femur of a Surface Deer
Unidentified Thigh Bone Anning and Daughters Upper River Exchange 2 x Hinterland Scrip 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
Dredge the bottom of the river at low tide Card in Jericho Locks

Jericho Airs Airs of Jericho Locks 0-25

1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast

0-2 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
0-1 x Human Arm
1-2 x Femur of a Surface Deer
0-1 x Jet Black Stinger

Explore the riverbank in low tide (Bones in the River) Card in Wolfstack Docks

London Airs 0-25

Alternate success
Watchful check
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
1 x Headless Skeleton

1 x Human Ribcage

Explore the riverbank in low tide (Engage in Excavation) Card in Ealing Gardens

Ealing Airs 0-25

1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
1 x Headless Skeleton

Inquire whether she has any spare bones she wants to get rid of The Bone Market

Dreaded 0

Persuasive check 2 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

3 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

Femur of a Jurassic Beast ...the Osteology Wing Plan a Heist 5 x Obsidian Chitin Tail
4 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
5 x Femur of a Surface Deer
A collection of Jurassic thighs Various Upper River cards or storylets 1 x Palaeontological Discovery 5 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
Determine the true nature of this bone University Laboratory Monstrous Anatomy check
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
25 x Laboratory Research
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory

1 x Femur of a Surface Deer
1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory

Dig near the Magistracy of the Evenlode Ealing Gardens

Involved in a Railway Venture 70

1 x Strong-Backed Labour
75 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
3-4(?) x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Horned Skull
2-6(?) x Jet Black Stinger
6-18(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
Dredge the bottom of the river at low tide Card in Jericho Locks

Jericho Airs Airs of Jericho Locks 0-25

1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone

0-2 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
0-1 x Human Arm
1-2 x Femur of a Surface Deer
0-1 x Jet Black Stinger

Accept a share of the large crate stolen from the Bone Market Brawling with Dockers

The Bone Market

Taking Sides at a Brawl 1-9

Brawling with Dockers 80 9 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast

25 * ( Brawling with Dockers - 80) x Bone Fragments (500 max)

Using Fight without taking your eye off the goods! at 100% chance ( Dangerous 209), takes 10 actions.
Claim the large crate stolen from the Bone Market Brawling with Dockers

The Bone Market

Taking Sides at a Brawl 10

Brawling with Dockers 110 12 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast

25 * ( Brawling with Dockers - 110) x Bone Fragments (1000 max)

Using Fight without taking your eye off the goods! at 100% chance ( Dangerous 292), takes 10 actions.
Trade Favours for Bones Burrow-Infra-Mump

Statue to a Custom-Made Saint
Connected: Benthic 20

Luck: 50% chance
60 or 70 CP Connected: Benthic
50%: 1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Helical Thighbone

50%: 1 x Flourishing Ribcage
Rare: 1 x Prismatic Frame
-200 CP Connected: Benthic

Report a sighting of Red Deer Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Red Deer 1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
1 x Mammoth Ribcage
2 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
400 x Bone Fragments
Some Moonlit
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Helical Thighbone An amalgamous interment Various Upper River cards or storylets 2 x Palaeontological Discovery 6 x Helical Thighbone
4 x Knotted Humerus
Dig near Ealing Gardens Ealing Gardens 1 x Strong-Backed Labour
50 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
2-4 x Helical Thighbone
2-3 x Knotted Humerus
1 x Human Ribcage
253-382(?) x Bone Fragments
Sift the riverbank mud in the rising tide Card in Ealing Gardens

Ealing Airs 26-50

1 x Helical Thighbone

Rare: 2 x Helical Thighbone

Trade Favours for Bones Burrow-Infra-Mump

Statue to a Custom-Made Saint
Connected: Benthic 20

Luck: 50% chance
60 or 70 CP Connected: Benthic
50%: 1 x Helical Thighbone
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast

50%: 1 x Flourishing Ribcage
Rare: 1 x Prismatic Frame
-200 CP Connected: Benthic

Flute Street
Flute Street
Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre Report a sighting of Red Deer Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Red Deer 1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
1 x Mammoth Ribcage
2 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
400 x Bone Fragments
Some Moonlit
Invent a false nature for this bone University Laboratory 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
75 x Laboratory Research
25 x Parabolan Research
1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
1 x Record of Successful Forgery
1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory
Call in favours from the Church (Bishop of Saint Fiacre's) Card in Jericho Locks

Statue to the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's

4 x Favours: The Church 2 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
Publish an Expose of Palaeontology Doubt Street


5-6 x Research on a Morbid Fad

60 x Meritorious Copy

2 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre

85 or 98 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
Various other bones from collecting Research on a Morbid Fad

Investigate the souvenir stalls Card in The City of the Tracklayers,

after building a spur line to the City.

(1,050 - Efficiency) x Hinterland Prosperity 1 x Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre
Ivory Femur Convince her to produce an elaborate forgery The Bone Market

Respectable 0

3 x Parabolan Orange-apple
750 x Bone Fragments
1 x Ivory Femur


Wing Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Bat Wing Duplicate the wings of a bat Ealing Gardens

Sulky Bat
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

100 x Bone Fragments
2 x Nodule of Warm Amber
2 x Bat Wing
Wing of a Young Terror Bird Duplicate the wings of a Young Terror Bird Ealing Gardens

Young Terror Bird
Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 3
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

100 x Bone Fragments
25 x Nodule of Warm Amber
2 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird
Take the Bishop of Southwark hunting Burrow-Infra-Mump

Anglican Church of England

Monstrous Anatomy check 1 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird

3 x Deep-zee Catch

A Composed Composer Jericho Locks 4 x Favours: Bohemians 2 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird

2 x Ivory Humerus

Report a sighting of Grouse Balmoral

Balmoral's Castellan
( The Seal of St Joshua)

1 x Observation: Grouse 1 x Skeleton with Seven Necks
3 x Wing of a Young Terror Bird
200 x Bone Fragments
(Possibly Moonlit)
12 actions without travel time.
Costs 8 x Collated Research.
Albatross Wing Duplicate the wings of a Focused Albatross Ealing Gardens

Focused Albatross
Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 2
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

2000 x Bone Fragments
25 x Nodule of Warm Amber
2 x Albatross Wing
Keep it in total darkness University Laboratory 1 x Focused Albatross
125 x Laboratory Research
2 x Albatross Wing
2 x Incisive Observation
1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies


Fin Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Fin Bones, Collected Dig near the Magistracy of the Evenlode Ealing Gardens

Involved in a Railway Venture 70

1 x Strong-Backed Labour
75 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
6-18(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Horned Skull
3-4(?) x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
2-6(?) x Jet Black Stinger
Go spear-fishing The Magistracy of the Evenlode

Evenlode Diving Bell
Evenlode Airs 51-75

2 x Fin Bones, Collected
(1 + Diving Depth) x Deep-zee Catch
Kill the Pinewood Shark Parabolan Base-Camp

Base Dangerous 203
A Hunter's Instinct for Nightmares 1
Parabolan Defences 1

2 x Fin Bones, Collected
1 x Remains of a Pinewood Shark
1 x Favours: The Docks
1 x An Estimable Trophy
1 x Dream-Trophies of Parabola
Charter a barge to the Persephone Jericho Locks 5 x Esteem of the Guild

(3 if A Member of the Gondoliers: Doctore)

5 x Fin Bones, Collected
1-2 x Skull in Coral
6-11 x Unprovenanced Artefact
50 x Moonlight Scales
Search where the water flows out Card in The Magistracy of the Evenlode 1-4 x Fin Bones, Collected
1-4 x Ambiguous Eolith
1-4 x Jade Fragment
Trade Zee-Ztories with the Gondoliers Card in Upper River

Involved in a Railway Venture 50
Chelatic Mitten

Luck: 50% chance
1 x Zee-Ztory
50%: 2-7(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
0-1(?) x Deep-zee Catch

50%: 1 x Withered Tentacle

Turn attention to its Skeleton University Laboratory 1 x Remains of a Pinewood Shark
100 x Laboratory Research
38 x Fin Bones, Collected
500 x Bone Fragments
2 x Incisive Observation
1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory
In bones Your Activities 3100 Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
Amber-Crusted Fin Convert your fin-bones into something more impressive Helicon House

Discovered: Below-Stairs

10 x Fin Bones, Collected 1 x Amber-Crusted Fin


Tentacle Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Withered Tentacle Distract the lamp-cats with local wildlife Port Cecil

Tides of Port Cecil: 6-12 Deed to a Port Cecil Business, Encoded in Chess Notation

Watchful 150 check (100% at 250) 4 x Withered Tentacle See Port Cecil (Guide) for details
Draw tentacles from the cauldron Helicon House

Discovered: Below-Stairs

5 x Nodule of Warm Amber 3 x Withered Tentacle
Net whatever is in the river Card in Jericho Locks

Jericho Airs 26-100

Alternate success 2 x Withered Tentacle
1 x Deep-zee Catch

1 x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Deep-zee Catch

Trade Zee-Ztories with the Gondoliers Card in Upper River

Involved in a Railway Venture 50
Chelatic Mitten

Luck: 50% chance
1 x Zee-Ztory
50%: 1 x Withered Tentacle

50%: 2-7(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
0-1(?) x Deep-zee Catch

Miscount the Second Circle by four Adulterine Castle

Sunken 4

4 x Withered Tentacle


Tail Source Location & Requirements Cost Reward Calculations & Notes
Jet Black Stinger Dig near the Magistracy of the Evenlode Ealing Gardens

Involved in a Railway Venture 70

1 x Strong-Backed Labour
75 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
2-6(?) x Jet Black Stinger
1 x Thorned Ribcage
1 x Horned Skull
3-4(?) x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
6-18(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
Dig where the fossils are likeliest Card in London

Watchful 105

1 x Survey of the Neath's Bones
Watchful check
1 x Jet Black Stinger
250 x Jade Fragment

1 x Ambiguous Eolith
50 x Jade Fragment
+2 CP Nightmares

Propose a hunting expedition Card in London

Involved in a Railway Venture 50

5 x Rumour of the Upper River
Dangerous check
5 x Jet Black Stinger
1500 x Piece of Rostygold
2 x An Estimable Trophy

1500 x Piece of Rostygold
1 x An Estimable Trophy
+3(?) CP Wounds

Obsidian Chitin Tail ...the Osteology Wing Card in On a Heist

The Burglar's Progress 5
Planning a Heist: is "The Museum of Prelapsarian History" (The Museum of Prelapsarian History)

5 x Obsidian Chitin Tail
4 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
5 x Femur of a Surface Deer
Plaster Tail Bones Offer her a few Surveys Card in London

Familiarity with the Carpenter's Granddaughter

10 x Survey of the Neath's Bones 2 x Plaster Tail Bones
Talk to stall-holders from the Bone Market Veilgarden

Your Own Stall at the Bone Market
Locked with Rumour at the Bone Market

1 x Rumour at the Bone Market
1 x Research on a Morbid Fad
1 x Plaster Tail Bones
Tomb-Lion's Tail Duplicate the tail of a Tomb-Lion Ealing Gardens

Ealing Gardens Commercial Development 3
Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery

200 x Bone Fragments
2 x Nodule of Warm Amber
1 x Tomb-Lion's Tail
Withered Tentacle Distract the lamp-cats with local wildlife Port Cecil

Tides of Port Cecil: 6-12 Deed to a Port Cecil Business, Encoded in Chess Notation

Watchful 150 check (100% at 250) 4 x Withered Tentacle See Port Cecil (Guide) for details
Draw tentacles from the cauldron Helicon House

Discovered: Below-Stairs

5 x Nodule of Warm Amber 3 x Withered Tentacle
Net whatever is in the river Card in Jericho Locks

Jericho Airs 26-100

Alternate success 2 x Withered Tentacle
1 x Deep-zee Catch

1 x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Deep-zee Catch

Trade Zee-Ztories with the Gondoliers Card in Upper River

Involved in a Railway Venture 50
Chelatic Mitten

Luck: 50% chance
1 x Zee-Ztory
50%: 1 x Withered Tentacle

50%: 2-7(?) x Fin Bones, Collected
0-1(?) x Deep-zee Catch

Complete your research in the shaping of bones University Laboratory 1 x Human Ribcage

1 x Human Arm
100 x Nodule of Deep Amber
550 x Laboratory Research

1 x Thorned Ribcage

1 x Knotted Humerus
2 x Withered Tentacle
2 x Nodule of Trembling Amber
2150 x Bone Fragments

Bone resources[edit]

Item Value Uses Source Location & Requirements
Bone Fragments 0.01 E Most uses require Device for the Duplication of Bones or Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery
Moonlight Scales - Lay a shining trail Leave the barge (The Persephone) See Canal Cruising in Jericho Locks (Guide)
Survey of the Neath's Bones 1 Newspaper or University Laboratory
Warbler Skeleton - Creating a Skeleton with Seven Necks Licensed by Mr Hearts or University Laboratory
Palaeontological Discovery (12.5 E ) Sort the Results of Excavation to gain a variety of bones. First encountered on the way to The Magistracy of the Evenlode
Nevercold Brass Sliver 0.01 E Many sources, but the best one by far is The Sunken Embassy. See Industrial Grinding (Guide) for others. The Lab experiment requires a Betrayer of Measures and a Warbler Skeleton
Nodule of Warm Amber (0.10 E ) Duplicate and transform bones. Generally needs Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery, Device for the Duplication of Bones, Shapeling Arts, or Artisan of the Red Science
Nodule of Trembling Amber 12.50 E Widely varied; see individual options
Parabolan Orange-apple (12.50 E ) Exchange these for Ivory Humerus and Ivory Femur Parabolan Base-Camp
Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits 5 Duplicate the skull of a Plated Seal Ealing Gardens, requires Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery and a Plated Seal
Knob of Scintillack 2.50 E / 5 Attaching Skulls in Coral The Phantasist is only available when she is the Occasional Buyer:, which means it's subject to World Quality RNG.

The Diplomat in Moulin requires a fully upgraded Moulin Archaeological Institute.