Term Passing... (Guide)

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At Benthic or at Summerset, each day is a new page.


As soon as you reach Featuring in the Tales of the University 5 you can attend to university life. This is done by selecting different storylets in the University. All options on these storylets raise Term Passing... by one level. As Term Passing... increases new storylets will become available while old ones lock. This culminates in 6 different storylets at Term Passing... 12 each of which will set it back to zero.

This carousel can be repeated forever unless you select Making your Name: A most notable academic which sets Featuring in the Tales of the University to 6 and progresses the story. Note that once you've selected that option all the earlier options will be gone for good so make sure you're finished with them. Once you've reached Featuring in the Tales of the University 6 new Term related storylets will appear between Featuring in the Tales of the University 9-24. The same rules apply, although it only cycles up to T7 (i.e Term Passing... 7), and not T12 like the first carousel.

After Featuring in the Tales of the University 24 the University storylet will finish and you'll be locked out of these carousels.

Story Lines[edit]


There are six main plots including several storylets that lead up to the Term Passing... 12 finale.

Which to pick?[edit]

Some storylines are better for some characters and some better for others.

  • The Feasts involves you feasting with members of Summerset College. This storyline should only be done by people who still have their soul, as almost all good options are otherwise locked. Most of these options require Connected: Summerset and also lower it slightly
  • The Stoats involves you hanging around with a student club. It doesn't require anything special and gives out various wines in varying quantities.
  • The Match involves Benthic College and more specifically their Cricket team. Like the Summerset line it requires you to have Connected: Benthic however it doesn't decrease it and also can still be done when you've sold your soul.
  • The Debate, debate, discuss and or threaten everybody until they agree with you (diplomacy at its finest). Just like the Stoats it doesn't require anything special although the Term Passing... 12 can drop Connected of one of the colleges.
  • The Library. Just some quiet reading until the Library refuses to loan you a book and revolutionaries start stealing stuff. The most interesting option is Report them to the college authorities under The library roof which gives you +30CP in Connected for both Colleges.
  • Teaching and other things to spend time on. Despite this being a University, this is literally the only storyline involving learning teaching and together with the Murder the only one which doesn't involve drinking copious amount of alcohol(or to say it in a different way, these two are dull and lack alcohol).
  • The Murder. Ah, who doesn't love some academic infighting? The Murder involves you trying to find out who killed the research fellow in Antiquarian Esquivalience (don't worry about him -- it happens every term). Note that this is the only storyline that starts at Term Passing... 6 instead of zero.

Notable Storylets[edit]

Visiting University Summary
Fixed-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
0 A 32 A 1 A


Raise Term Passing... to 12.
Items Inputs/Outputs
Raw EPA 1.23

These are some of the more interesting storylets you can do:

Only one T12 storylet can be played per go-round of the Term Passing... carousel, so choose wisely. Note that some of them have massive negative effects even upon succeeding in the relevant challenge, though there are many challenge-free options with great rewards.

If you're looking for a goal to achieve before moving on to Featuring in the Tales of the University 6 and closing this first carousel, one such goal might be getting the two Colleges' Connected values up to ~15 each (needing 120 CP, or 3-4 trips choosing the T12 storylet Report them to the college authorities at +30CP for both). After a few go-arounds reading all the storylets you wish for fun, one might focus on first clearing their Wounds and Nightmares, collecting Connected with A feather... and Mixing... up to T8, then grinding Watchful and potentially increasing A Scholar of the Correspondence with Learned discourse to T11, before raking in some Echoes with Business and pleasure to T12 and ending with the aforementioned Report them....

T0-10 storylets generally give +2CP of Term Passing..., whereas T11 storylets give +3CP. As such, each pass through the carousel takes 38-40 actions, depending on if you play T11 storylets.

All the Options[edit]

Storyline Options Term Passing...
The Feasts
Feasting at Summerset 0-7
Wine-tasting at Summerset 8-10
The Feast of the World 11
The World, devoured 12
The Stoats
The Stoats 0-7
Fun with the Stoats 8-10
More fun with the Stoats 11
Stoats' Honour 12
The Match
Cricket at Benthic 0-7
Picking the team 8-10
Match day 11
The end of the match 12
The Debate
A public debate 8-10
The day of the debate 11
The debate closes 12
The Library
Off to the library 0-7
Back to the library 8-10
Once more to the library 11
The library roof 12
Teaching and other things to spend time on
Take tutorials for a little extra cash 0-7
Enjoying the pace of academic life 0-11
Prepare your lectures 2-10
Do some teaching 5-10
The golden path 8-11
Do some actual research 8-11
The Murder
The body in the library 6-7
Begin your investigation 8-10
Talk to the deceased 11
Name the murderer! 12

Storylet Action Req. Check Success Failure
0-7 Feasting at Summerset Attend a feast
  • 5
  • No
85 N/A
0-7 Feasting at Summerset Lurk disconsolately around the margins. 50
8-10 Wine-tasting at Summerset An evening of Oenology
  • 10
  • No
8-10 Wine-tasting at Summerset Hold your own wine tasting
  • 100 x 
87 87 x Whispered Hint -100 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882
11 The Feast of the World Fourteen courses of sheer indulgence
  • 15
  • No
N/A Hedonist +3CP (Up to 10) N/A
11 The Feast of the World Business and pleasure
  • 15
  • No
89 1 x London Street Sign Connected: Summerset -20CP
11 The Feast of the World Disguise yourself and cause mischief 70 40 x Stolen Correspondence Scandal +1CP
12 The World, devoured Propose the final toast of the evening 15 89 Connected: Summerset -20CP
12 The World, devoured The Provost? The Provost... N/A 16
12 The World, devoured Just desserts 89 Connected: Summerset -10CP
0-7 The Stoats Get involved N/A 85 N/A
8-10 Fun with the Stoats Take the bravery challenge 87 N/A Wounds +1CP
11 More fun with the Stoats Join in this week's caper N/A 89
12 Stoats' Honour A matter of honour N/A 85 Scandal +2CP
0-7 Cricket at Benthic Demonstrate your cricketing knowledge 5 85 Connected: Benthic -5CP
8-10 Picking the team Involve yourself 10 87 Connected: Benthic -5CP
11 Match day A serious business 15 89 75 x Drop of Prisoner's Honey Connected: Benthic -25CP
11 Match day The twelfth woman 15 50% Connected: Benthic -5CP
12 The end of the match A merry wager 15 50%
12 The end of the match Nobble the Benthic team 10 85 Resets Connected: Benthic
12 The end of the match Display admirable sportsmanship 15 N/A N/A
0-7 Off to the library A day at the library N/A 85 21 x Proscribed Material Nightmares +1CP
8-10 Back to the library In the high stacks N/A 87 44 x Cryptic Clue Connected: Benthic -2CP
11 Once more to the library Bribe a librarian 120 N/A N/A
11 Once more to the library Hunt for the book yourself N/A 89 40 x Proscribed Material Nightmares +1CP
12 The library roof Report them to the college authorities N/A N/A N/A
12 The library roof Report them to the Constables N/A N/A N/A
12 The library roof Comrades N/A N/A N/A
12 The library roof Blackmail N/A N/A N/A
0-7 Take tutorials for a little extra cash Sign up for a few tutorials N/A 85 42 x Primordial Shriek N/A
0-11 Enjoying the pace of academic life Perhaps you might read a book today N/A 85 Nightmares +1CP
0-11 Enjoying the pace of academic life A stroll around the quad N/A 95 95 x Whispered Hint N/A
2-10 Prepare your lectures Set to work N/A 95 48 x Cryptic Clue Nightmares +1CP
2-10 Prepare your lectures Start on a publication N/A 86 Nightmares +2CP
5-10 Do some teaching Introductory lecturing N/A 86 42 x Primordial Shriek Nightmares +2CP
5-10 Do some teaching Intermediary Correspondence, for the more advanced student N/A 90 45 x Cryptic Clue Nightmares +2CP
8-11 The golden path Write an essay for money 10 95 95 x Piece of Rostygold Scandal +1CP
8-11 Do some actual research Learned discourse N/A 87 } Nightmares +2CP
8-10 A public debate Encourage a debate on souls
  • 5
  • 5
87 17 x Stolen Correspondence
11 The day of the debate Listen to the argument for N/A N/A Watchful +5CP N/A
11 The day of the debate Listen to the argument against N/A N/A Watchful +5CP N/A
11 The day of the debate Be vigilant N/A N/A
11 The day of the debate Watch for opportunities N/A 75 x Soul N/A
12 The debate closes Speak for the proposition N/A 89
12 The debate closes Speak against the proposition N/A 89 210 x Foxfire Candle Stub
6-7 The body in the library Inspect the body N/A 85 85 x Piece of Rostygold N/A
8-10 Begin your investigation Interrogate his colleagues N/A 87 95 x Piece of Rostygold N/A
8-10 Begin your investigation Interrogate the library staff N/A 87 95 x Piece of Rostygold N/A
11 Talk to the deceased Interrogate the victim N/A 90 108 x Piece of Rostygold N/A
12 Name the murderer! Accuse the Assistant Deputy Librarian of seeking revenge N/A N/A N/A
12 Name the murderer! Accuse the Professor of academic jealousy N/A N/A Watchful +1 CP N/A
12 Name the murderer! Accuse the Assistant Deputy Librarian of romantic jealousy N/A N/A Watchful +1 CP N/A
12 Name the murderer! Accuse the Professor of romantic intrigue N/A N/A Watchful +1 CP N/A

The second Carousel (Featuring in the Tales of the University 9-24)[edit]

As an Adjunct Professor Summary
Fixed-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
0 A 14 A 1 A


Raise Term Passing... to 7.
Items Inputs/Outputs
Raw EPA 1.40

After you've advanced Featuring in the Tales of the University to 9 a second carousel opens up. This carousel works exactly the same as the previous except that it only goes to Term Passing... 7. The general point of this carousel is to gain Investigating..., which unlocks storylets in Making Your Name: Investigations in the university that each increase Featuring in the Tales of the University. Check the Featuring in the Tales of the University_(Guide) for details.

At the end of the story (i.e. once you have over Featuring in the Tales of the University 24), this carousel will lock.

Notable Storylets[edit]

By far the most interesting storylet here is Talk to the Porters. For the cost of 25 x Cryptic Clue you gain Whispered Hints and a Sudden Insight -- and 5x Sudden Insights can be traded in on Every stone in your Lodgings (under Attend to Matters of Watchfulness and Nightmares) for a great boost in Watchful. Because Cryptic Clues can be gained using the other investigation storylets, this is one of the best Watchful grinds in the game.

For example, if you can 100% the Porters challenge, you'll get +1CP Watchful on success. 5x Sudden Insights are worth a random number of CP somewhere between 1 and 50, which averages to 25CP Watchful per trade-in. This means that the average per Sudden Insight is 25 / 5 = 5CP, so each successful Porter challenge is worth a total of 1 + 5 = 6CP. Therefore, 11-12 challenges nets on average ~70CP, which is an entire level of Watchful.

If you can't quite 100% the Porters challenge, if you aim for 90% (needing 162-163 modified Watchful), you'll gain +2CP per challenge on successes -- plus the Sudden Insight, for a total of 7CP. 10 successes thus also gets the ~70CP for a level of Watchful, but at 90% there will likely be 1 failure. As such, 10 successes will need ~11 actions, plus one to reduce the resulting Nightmares, for a total of ~12 actions -- about the same as the results from the challenge at 100%, though somewhat more complicated.

As a hint, when you increase Watchful and need to reduce your outfit's Watchful to remain at a modified 162-163 Watchful (remember to do so, or you'll soon be doing the challenge at 91% and only getting the +1CP on successes of 100%, while still being at risk of failure and Nightmares!), the first piece you should remove is your Watchful Companion. Swap it for a Cheerful Goldfish, and many of the Nightmares from failed Porter challenges will be negated. The second, of course, is swapping your Weapon for a Bejewelled Cane. (Which you already have, right? Right?!)

There are 15 levels of the University MYN story that need Investigating. If you build the 28CP needed for Investigating... 7 to 100% the Investigating challenge, that takes (coincidentally) 7 Porter successes. 7 * 15 = 105 Porter successes, so just doing the story is going to net you around 10 levels of Watchful, completely irrespective of any actual grinding.

If you don't finish the story and lock the carousel, you can continue to dump 11-12 actions into Porters to grind a level of Watchful. If you're dedicated, that's about 10 levels per day....

Note also that you can sell off excess Investigating under The Heights of Chicanery in The Flit using either More than just Messages (for 540 x Rostygold, usually) or Raid a Message-Drop (for 270 x Cryptic Clues). The latter is useful if you're running low paying the Porters.

Every Option[edit]

The table below lists every possible option:

Option Requirement Challenge Success Failure
Assistants wanted:
Term Passing... <5 106  53 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.06 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Scandal
Assistants wanted:
Ask around
Term Passing... <5 108  50 x Foxfire Candle Stub
57 x Shard of Glim
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.07 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
Seek out some influential help:
Use your Society connections
Persuasive 90
Term Passing... <5
103  100 x Jade Fragment
1 x Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.50 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Scandal
Seek out some influential help:
Use your less savoury connections
Shadowy 90
The Flit 1
Term Passing... <5
104  25 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882
105 x Moon-Pearl
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.55 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Suspicion
Seek out some influential help:
Try to gain patronage on your own
2 x Correspondence Plaque
Term Passing... <5
105  50 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882
53 x Cryptic Clue
-2 Correspondence Plaque
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.06 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
-2 Correspondence Plaque
+1 Scandal
Those meddling men from the Ministry:
Deal with the evaluators
Term Passing... <5 101  50 x Foxfire Candle Stub
+2 Term Passing...
= 0.50 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Suspicion
The student body:
Pick out some likely candidates
Term Passing... <5 98  1-195 Bundle of Oddities
+2 Term Passing...
= ~1.5 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Head to the library
- 98  +3 Investigating...
49 x Cryptic Clue
= 0.98 Echoes
+2 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Interview the suspects
- 100  +3 Investigating...
50 x Cryptic Clue
= 1.00 Echoes
+1 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Conduct forensic analyses
- 102  +3 Investigating...
55 x Cryptic Clue
= 1.10 Echoes
-5 Investigating...
+1 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Interview students and staff
- 104  +4 Investigating...
52 x Cryptic Clue
= 1.04 Echoes
+2 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Interview the Department of _______ staff
- 106  +4 Investigating...
53 x Cryptic Clue
= 1.06 Echoes
+1 Nightmares
Making Your Name: Investigations in the university:
Talk to the Porters
25 x Cryptic Clue 108  +4 Investigating...
+1 Sudden Insight
108 x Whispered Hint
-25 Cryptic Clue
= 0.58 Echoes
-25 Cryptic Clue
+1 Nightmares
Find allies at the Department of _______:
Get the Semi-semiotic Fellow on your side
Term Passing... 5-6 98  49 x Cryptic Clue
+2 Term Passing...
= 0.98 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Nightmares
Getting into the journals:
Publish and be... well, yes
Term Passing... 5-6 101  25 x Proscribed Material
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.00 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Nightmares
Secure your funding:
Take the equitable approach
Term Passing... 5-6 104  104 x Jade Fragment
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.04 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Scandal
Secure your funding:
Institute a hierarchy of donors
Term Passing... 5-6 106  106 x Shard of Glim
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.06 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Scandal
Interview prospective assistants:
Select on the basis of qualifications
Term Passing... 5-6 106  53 x Foxfire Candle Stub
53 x Nodule of Deep Amber
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.06 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Nightmares
Interview prospective assistants:
Select on the basis of... personal qualities
Term Passing... 5-6 108  107 x Jade Fragment
+2 Term Passing...
= 1.07 Echoes
+1 Term Passing...
+1 Nightmares
Where is Dr Orthos?:
Make your peace with Dr Orthos
Term Passing... 7 90  +10 Benthic
+10 Summerset
4 x Memory of Distant Shores
+2 CP Making Waves
Reset Term Passing...
= 2 Echoes
Reset Term Passing...
+1 Scandal
-5 Benthic
-5 Summerset
The patronage of the Duchess:
Court the Duchess' patronage
Term Passing... 7 98  15 x Relic of the Second City
+20 the Duchess
Reset Term Passing...
= 2.25 Echoes
Reset Term Passing...
-20 the Duchess
+1 Nightmares
Dealing with Virginia:
A word at the Embassy
Term Passing... 7
Renown: Hell 5
106  55 x Proscribed Material
Reset Term Passing...
= 2.20 Echoes
Reset Term Passing...


This concludes the Guide on Term Passing.... I hope it was useful! (and that you had fun of course!)