
From Fallen London Wiki

In Fallen London the Player's current location is displayed on the right sidebar, above the travel button (on PC). (It's *username*! Welcome to *location*, delicious friend!). These locations are documented on the wiki as Places.

Under the hood however, the world is also split into Settings. They are larger environments for Places, governing more general rules over the locations they are set to, such as:

  • outfit lock (although Places can override this)
  • map access
  • inventory usage
  • draw limit
  • market availability

The main Setting of Fallen London is The Fifth City, containing most of the location in London (such as Veilgarden and Moloch Street). [While on a technical level it's not true that Places are inside Settings, its more logical to think of them this way.] There can also be Settings which are only set to one Place, and there are Places which appear in multiple Settings.

All storylets (and thus cards) are set to a particular Setting but Places can also have their own storylets and cards. This way most London locations can share their deck and hand, but the individual Places can have their unique cards as well, for example.

Settings are used by the game logic and are not presented directly to the Player (unlike Places). They can be found by viewing the network activity (using the browser's developer tools for example). The current setting is displayed under the myself request. Setting changes can also be intercepted from chosenbranch, in which case the presence of a map request usually signifies a change.

You can also see Category:Settings for a list of all pages tagged as a Setting.

A Fancy LayA Flash Lay
A Glimpse of the FutureThe Castle of Forests
A Long Road
The Liberation of Night
the Approach to the Mountain
Down among the Lorn-Flukes
A Nocturnal ExpeditionOn a Heist
Aboard, at PortYour Cabin
Poring over the Maps
On Deck
After a Glimpse of the FutureThe Castle of Forests
A Long Road
The Liberation of Night
the Approach to the Mountain
Down among the Lorn-Flukes
After the Nocturnal ExpeditionThe Flit
An Elaborate PartyVeilgarden (Party)
An Exceptional Library (Setting)An Exceptional Library
An Expedition into the Moulin WasteFar Beyond the Cordon
The Wellspring of Moulin
At SeaThe Chapel of Lights
Captured by the Clay HighwaymanA hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral
Castles in the Ceiling (Setting)Castles in the Ceiling
Warring on the Roof
Chambers of the HeartThe Chambers of the Heart
Cline (Setting)Cline
CrowdsThe Crowds of Spite
Deatha slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river
Fate-WeavingA Nearby Future
A Forking Future
A Mortal Future
A Vivisected Future
A Manifold Future
A Brilliant Future
A Ruinous Future
An Altered Future
A Dark Future
A Neon Future
No Future
A Jewelled Future
A Silvered Future
An Abyssal Future
A Chilly Future
Gaider's Mourn (Setting)Gaider's Mourn
The Shattered Citadel
Hallow's Throat (Setting)Hallow's Throat
Hearts' GameThe Alleyways of London
Hearts' Game: DraftingHearts' Parlour
ImprisonedTutorial Prison
Imprisoned ReturnNew Newgate Prison - again!
In BetweenThe shadows of the Orphanage
the Approach to the Mountain
Winking Isle
In Popular ImaginationA Trade in Reputations
InsanityA state of some confusion
Irem (Setting)Irem
Irem Dummy Child
Iron RepublicIron Republic Streets
Khanate (Inner)Khan's Heart
Khanate (The Copper Quarter)The Copper Quarter
Leaving the Crowded StreetsThe Crowds of Spite
Lost Time (Setting)The Stacks
Lost Time
Mangrove College (Setting)Mangrove College
NadirCave of the Nadir
Orphanage CorridorsThe Silent Corridors of the Orphanage
ParabolaThe Mirror-Marches
The Mind of a Long-Dead God
The Skin of the Sun
Parabolan Base-Camp
The Waswood
The Chessboard
Reflection of your Laboratory
Viric Jungle
The Dome of Scales
The Dolorous Pavilion
Polythreme Docks (Setting)Polythreme Docks
Polythreme GardensThe Maze-Garden
Port Carnelian (Setting)Heartscross House
Promenading in PolythremePolythreme Streets
Rat MarketThe Rat Market (Area)
Scandal (Setting)disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies
Science LaboratoryLadybones Road
The University
University Laboratory (Place)
Southern ArchipelagoCorpsecage Island
Bullbone Island
Hunter's Keep
Mutton Island
A Secluded Coastline
The Convent
The Salt Lions
The Carnival at MidnightMrs Plenty's Carnival (SMEN)
The Elder ContinentThe Court of the Wakeful Eye
Arbor, of the Roses
The Cavity
The Far HinterlandThe City of the Tracklayers
The Far Hinterland MindMind of the Manager-City
Mind of Your Double
Mind of the Furnace-City
Mind of the Cornelius-City
The Fifth CityWatchmaker's Hill
Ladybones Road
The Forgotten Quarter
Doubt Street
Mahogany Hall
Mrs Plenty's Carnival
The Labyrinth of Tigers
The Shuttered Palace
Wolfstack Docks
The Empress' Court
The Flit
The Foreign Office
Wilmot's End
The University
The Crowds of Spite
The House of Chimes
The Temple Club
Your Social Engagements
Your Activities
Concord Square
Plan a Heist
Moloch Street
The Singing Mandrake
Area-Diving in Spite
Dept. of Menace Eradication
The Medusa's Head
The Blind Helmsman
The Clay Quarters
The Bone Market
Your Lodgings
Bazaar Side-Streets
The Museum of Prelapsarian History
Mind of London
The Midnight Moon (Setting)The Midnight Moon
The Other NaplesLost Naples
The Principles of CoralPort Cecil
The RoofStation IX
The Upper Airs
The Sea of Voices (Setting)Grunting Fen
The Smiling Fence's WarehouseSpite
Tomb-colonies - non-scandalousThe tomb-colony of Venderbight
Tramp SteamerAboard a Tramp Steamer
Under Parabolan IceAdulterine Castle
Upper RiverEaling Gardens
Jericho Locks
The Magistracy of the Evenlode
The Evenlode
Evenlode Courts
Helicon House
Station VIII
The Archaeological Institute
Second City Palace
The Hurlers
Marigold Station
The Gates of Hell
A train going imprudently fast
Void's ApproachAvid Horizon
Wayland's Teeth (Setting)Wayland's Teeth
Working with the Clay HighwaymanA hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral
Wreck-Divingthe Royal Approach
Zailing the UnterzeeThe Abyssal Depths
The Sea of Voices
Home Waters
Shepherd's Wash
The Pillared Sea
The Snares
The Salt Steppe
The Zee's Mirror
way undergroundThe Abyssal Depths
A small, velvet lined box
Beneath the Silken Chapel