The Unsanctioned Relicker (Guide)

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The Unsanctioned Relicker is a storylet in The Medusa's Head which allows you to obtain items available in the past through Access Codes from Failbetter Games' promotional campaigns and sell duplicates of Advent Calendar equipment.

You unlock The Medusa's Head in Watchmaker's Hill. To access the Unsanctioned Relicker, you will need to have raised your attributes ( Watchful, Shadowy, Dangerous and Persuasive) to 25.

Item Comparison[edit]

Below is a collation of the economy items available, their cost and their overall usability. To get more information on how to grind a particular economy item, click its link and check out the grinding guide by clicking the link on its page.

Item Stats Cost Notes
Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts
  • 25 x Touching Love Story
  • (E 62.50 in value)
Allows you to obtain Favourable Circumstances up to three times. Irreplaceable once exhausted.
An Exemplary Work of Lapsarian Theological Art Not particularly useful as equipment even for early players, as it is outclassed in both Watchful and Persuasive fairly quickly.

Can be used to grind Cryptic Clues and Romantic Notions. Also one of the few sources of Unusual Love Stories, which are nevertheless inessential.

Shared BiS for Persuasive with several expensive items. Shared BiS for Respectable with the Carnelian Sapphire Pendant.

Can be exchanged during Feast of the Rose for 10 Masquing, allowing you to obtain one companion which would normally be Fate-locked (as Rose-gifts that don't cost Fate normally increase it up to 30). Irreplaceable.

Flawless Hand Mirror Readily outclassed by many less-expensive gloves available at the Bazaar, though never in all four stats at once.

If you need just one of these stats, consider buying an Avid Glove for Watchful, Crackman's Mittens for Shadowy, Dancemaster's Dabs or Lady's Lace Gloves for Persuasive, or Spiderchitin Gauntlets for Dangerous. All of these cost E 12.80 each and are available at Dark & Savage in the Bazaar.

Portable Lamp-Post Shared BiS for Respectable with the very expensive Tiger-Furred Oneiropompic Stave, as well as a couple of Railway-locked items.

Outclassed in Watchful by the relatively expensive Voluminous Library and Clay Effigy.

Selection of Garish Fireworks Outclassed in Dangerous by the Ravenglass Knife (E 102.40).

Shared Shadowy with the Set of Kifers (E 64.80).

Shuttered Cake Outclassed in Persuasive by the Irresistible Drum (E 51.20).

Matched in Dreaded by several items which are rather difficult to obtain for fresh Persons of Some Importance.

Judgemental Hat The Archives are rare and unobtainable until Railway.

Ditch the snobby hat and get a Devilish Fedora or a Fecund Amber Tiara instead.

Cloven Seal Absolutely not worth it for the stats.

Play through Making Your Name for a better Dangerous weapon, finish the Keen-Eyed Lapidary's story for the Bejewelled Cane for an equal Bizarre. Get this for bragging rights.

Admiral's Hat Shared BiS for Zeefaring with 'Surplus' Captain's Hat, which is very expensive (costing the equivalent of E 1,000) and available only in the middle of the Railway storyline.
Weighty Postlapsarian Romance Good Respectable Weapon; the only non-Fate, non-festival and non- Heart's Desire item that outclasses it in that regard is the Consonant Violin, which is considerably difficult to get ahold of.

Outclassed in Watchful by the E 320 Patent Scrutinizer Deluxe! and in Persuasive by the E 64.50 Amber-Topped Walking-Stick.

Clay Effigy Matched in Watchful by the similarly expensive Voluminous Library, available only to Persons of Some Importance.

Will remain the best Bizarre Home Comfort until at least the Railway.

Selling Duplicates[edit]

As mentioned before, the Relicker will also buy duplicates of items from Advents past at the following prices:

Item Price Item Sell Price
An Ornate and Hefty Gothic Cross Brass Ring E 12.50
Apian Coronet E 52.50
Clandestine Candle E 25
Commander's Oneironautical Helm Oneiromantic Revelation E 62.50
Completely Unassuming Palaeontological Accessory Bazaar Permit E 12.50
Diatomist's Array 5 x Whirring Contraption E 30
Gant Bowler of Fiduciary Responsibility 1250 x Penny E 12.50
Inconspicuous Overalls 5 x An Identity Uncovered! E 12.50
Lightfingers' Folly 2 x Favour in High Places E 25
Pickpocket's Bane 4 x Partial Map E 10
Plate of Scandalously Buttered Scones E 5
Pugilist's Hello 6 x Unprovenanced Artefact E 15